
How can I ask my boss for health insurance?

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How should I approach my boss about paying for my health insurance withhout sounding greedy? I'm an office manager at a construction company and need health insurance. Any advice would be appreciated.




  1. Does your boss currently offer health insurance to his other employees?  Are there even company health benefits to take advantage of?  Health insurance plans are expensive...even for employers.  If your company has health insurance available, I would simply ask your boss what you would need to do to receive coverage, too.  Just open the conversation in a respectful way.

    Good luck!

  2. How long have you been with the company? Does your boss see you as a valuable employee? Would it be easy to replace you?

    If you are a valued member of the team you have bargaining power. No need to feel your being greedy. Maybe you can cut a deal where you split the cost 50/50. Your boss can write off his 50% as a legitimate business expense.

    Don't threaten that you will quit, just approach your boss and explain your position that it is important for you to have health insurance.

  3. Well, good luck on that, because he'll have to offer it to EVERYONE.

    BUT, you just say, hey boss, I do a good job for you, and make you lots of money, and I really need some health insurance, and I think I'm worth the $1200 extra a month it will cost you for my family plan.

  4. If you have access to the employee census you could have a broker prepare a group quote that you could present the employer.

    Generally speaking in order for a business to offer group health insurance to it's employees the employer must offer the coverage to all full time (W-2) employees and pay for at least 50% of the cost of the emplpoyee only plan. The employees will have to pay for 100% of the cost to add family members.

    Of course the employer could pay for more than 50% but they rarely do.

    Benefits of group coverage.

    Having a health plan can help attract quality employees.

    If the employer sets up a section 125 cafeteria plan the employees deductions can be dedcucted before taxes which will create a tax savings for the employer and the employees.

    You may want to talk to a broker about your situation they can make some other recommendations bassed on your companies specifics.Try using to search for group health insurance brokers in your area.

    A Broker represents multiple carriers and can help you sort through all the different insurance companies and plan options in your state.

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