
How can I ask my gramma for more bday money?

by  |  earlier

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i dont wanna be rude, but $100 cant get you much like when she was young




  1. You should be happy with whatever your get and be thankful instead of using your family as a way to get more money. There's a lot of kids that don't have grandparents anymore.

  2. thats rude. your lucky your grandma gives you money at all. like be thankful for the 100 that she gives you.... jeeze

  3. you should be happy. my grandmas dead

    my dad wont give me a present, he doesnt live with us and he never has, even when he did live with us

    and my aunt says she wont give it to me unless i go see her.... and she has like mental illnesses so we cant really see her that much

    EDIT: oh yeah and when my grandma was alive she gave me $80 between her and my aunt, they combined it

  4. You don't ask.

    You take what is given to you and say "Thank you grandma, I love you."

  5. You're a spoiled brat.  If you were my grandchild and you asked for more I'd take back what I gave you.

  6. You get $100 from your grandma, and want more????  I got $5.00 from my grandma.  Dont be so freaking greedy, sheesh!  Be thankful you get that much, because it does not sound like you deserve it, and you certainly are not appreciative.

  7. I don't think there is any way that would not be rude.  Be grateful for whatever she gives you and keep your opinions regarding the amount to yourself.

  8. $100 can get you plently, you brat. If you want more, get your own job!

  9. Tell her thank you very much.You may not think it is a lot but if your grandmother is on a fixed income, trust me, it is.

    It was very nice of her to give you anything at all considering how ungrateful you sound. Try asking her for more & you very well may get nothing next time.

  10. You should be happy that she even gave you a $100

  11. You are kidding right?

  12. dude be happy u got tht much

  13. You sound very ungrateful.  A gift is something freely given, not a requirement.  If I were your grandma and you asked for more money I would give you less than usual.

  14. You can't ask for more money. Be happy with what you got and stop being a spoiled brat. You're lucky you got anything with that ungrateful attitude!

  15. Don't ask your grandmother for more birthday money.            $ 100.00 is a lot of money, even today.  You don't neccessarily have to spend it on expensive video games and stuff like that.    I don't know how old you are, but, if you are saving up for something, ask your grandmother, or your parents if there are any chores that you can do for them, and tell them you are trying to save your money for something you want.  Then they will realize you are going to learn the value of a dollar.

  16. .d**n  you are RUDE.and ungrateful.  You would ask for more money from your granny ? Maybe she lives on a fixed income.

    Grow up and be thankful she gives you anything. She is your granny   you should be doing things for her.

    BTW  what do YOU give her on her B/D?

  17. What???  Can you be more rude and greedy?

    Learn how to live within a budget - my daughter can go to American Eagle and get two new pairs of jeans for $100 - why can't you?

    Don't be a rude child - be glad she gives you anything at all - it's not an obligation, it's a gift.

  18. om goodness, you don't deserve one penny, one hundred is generous

    you are truly an ungrateful child---geeeez

  19. $100 can't get you much you say? Well, I say you really need grandma to stop giving you anything and tell me what $100 can do for you, you ungrateful kid!

  20. Quit being a brat and be grateful she even gave you money.

  21. There is no way to ask that without being rude. $100.00 is a lot of money. Nobody in my family ever got that much from anybody for any birthday. Stop being so greedy and ungrateful. If I were your grandmother, I'd stop sending you anything.

  22. What? You should feel lucky you get that much. Many people dont get past $50.  and No, you shouldnt ask her for more. That is very disrespecful to her!

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