
How can I ask my mom to get me a Purity Ring?

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I really want to stay pure until marriage and would like a purity ring. How do i talk to her about it?




  1. I agree with the fact that you do not need a ring to stay pure BUT in this day and age I believe that having the reminder when peer pressure kicks is a great idea.  I have a 13 year old and she has made that choice.  As I told my daughter when she told me, be sure because this is a promise you are making to yourself, God and future husband.  My daughter send me an email asking for a purity ring for her birthday and sent me a few links for me to choose one for her.  I am extremely proud of her for making the decision on her own.  God will be there when you are ready to talk to her.

    Good luck,

  2. Hopefully you realize it's not necessary to have a ring to do that.

  3. I had one too and I remained pure until marriage (at age 31 nonetheless!).  Good for you, you can do it!

    As long as you're not asking for anything too expensive, I'm sure your mom will be thrilled.  Just tell her that you've decided to wait until marriage to have s*x and you'd like a simple ring to wear to remind yourself of your promise.  If you get a simple silver band, they're only like $30.  I got mine at James Avery.

  4. Just tell her what you told us.

    You want to stay pure until marriage and you'd like to have a purity ring to symbolize your commitment between you and her and God.

    That is what I did, and my mom even let me pick out my own ring (which cost $200... more than what my fiancee paid for my engagement ring! =P)

    I wish you the best of luck, and congrats on staying pure!

  5. Ask her for one. As a parent, I'd be THRILLED if my boys ever asked me to pay for such a ring!

  6. Easy, she'll be so happy to hear that, it doesn't matter how you bring it up

  7. I would just sit down and ask.

    Say youv'e decided thats what you want to do. I'm sure she will be supportive.

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