
How can I ask someone more questions before approving their membership?

by  |  earlier

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I recieved a request for membership but do not know who its from and their yahoo profile is blank.




  1. send them an email?

    If you do not have a way to get in touch then forget the membership and move on.

  2. you can send them an email asking them any question you want and just put their membership approval on hold until they have satisfied your questions

  3. You may create a file which includes the questions you want to ask and it may be sent to every person who requests to join. Here is how it is done:

    How do I designate files to be automatically emailed to members upon certain conditions?

  4. you create a text file with in the file feature of the group, and select for it to go out upon pending member. make that text file include questios you require knowing, and include an address for them to reply to. once you get it back, you approve them or reject them

  5. Simply email them.  They need to have a yahoo account to join right?  It should have an email address listed.

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