
How can I attract anoles to my backyard??

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I live in central texas, and since my mom said no to buying an anole as a pet, how can I attract them to my backyard? Should I add a bowl of water...or what kinds of food(Other than live food) can I add in my backyard to attract them there? I have seen them around and they r really cool!!!!




  1. maybe make a lttle water fall they will be attracted to that

  2. Heres an idea for you that someone else did to attract anoles to the yard.

  3. You need to create a environment that suits their needs. Food, water, and shelter.

    By providing plants for them to hid in, and watering them regularly will help. Also adding a bird bath for them to have constant access to water will encourage them as well as other things to your yard. And generally with plants comes some sorts of bugs. If there is not sufficient food, they aren't going to stay or live long.

    I have a patio filled with native and tropical plants, and my patio is crawling with Anoles. I also have a small water garden (like not even 1 gallon in size), and plenty of bugs that have moved in my patio garden. This seems to work. I have both very old and newly hatched anoles right now. :)

    Good luck!

  4. ...The sight and sound of dripping water will attract the anole.

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