
How can I attract pople to join' the group I just created on hi5?

by Guest10638  |  earlier

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I want people to interact with me and others and join' my group

called "Total Freedom of Expression",indeed to check out my profile and make friends.I need some tips to make more and

more people to become members of my group,or add to my friends on my page profile in hi?How can I get rid off those requests of friends that are just companies placing fake profiles of girls so you can enter their pages and then will try to hook U up to get in their d**n profitable p**n sites,I'm sick of them.Albert. URL on hi5:




  1. hi5 groups are not related to Yahoo Groups or Yahoo in general.  You can get information about that website's features on the hi5 blog. Sign in to that website and click Blog.  I hope you are not asking this question just to advertise your hi5 group on Yahoo Answers. That would not be a good idea because somebody might report you.  I won't but someone else might ;)

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