
How can I avoid a uti while trying to concieve?

by  |  earlier

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I have a really touchy urinary tract, and I have a very good chance of getting a uti if I don't pee right after s*x. But my husband and I are going to try and get pregnant next month! Obviously, I can't go to the bathroom after s*x next month!!! Anybody else have this issue, and were you able concieve without giving yourself a nasty uti?




  1. You can get up and pee after s*x without having it impact your ability to conceive.  The s***n is in your vaginal canal . . . and some leakage is normal as the man ejaculates more than your can hold.  By urinating after s*x, you are cleaning out your urethra . . .not your vaginal canal.

    Some people swear that you must stay in bed with your hips up for 15 - 30 minutes . . . but there is no proof that it makes a difference.

    Good luck & baby dust!

  2. You dont have to go to the bathroom right away after s*x to avoid a UTI. You can go to bathroom within an hour. And going to the bathroom right away after s*x will not stop you from getting pregnant.  I  alway get up right away after s*x and this has not stop me from getting pregnant. You'll be ok. Good Luck.

  3. I always pee right after s*x and it didnt hurt my chances of getting pregnant, they say laying there with your hips elevated increases your chances, but has not been actually proven. just b/c you get up and pee doesnt mean the sperm is all going to come out, as sperm can live 3-5 I think you will be fine...I never once waited to pee after s*x when ttc and we got pregnant the 2nd month of trying....

  4. As others have mentioned, yu can pee right afterwards, and it won't harm your chances.  His s***n will come out, but not the sperm.  They are on their way, going where they need to go.

    Have you tried cranberry capsules, by the way?  I have had severe UTIs since age 3.  At age 10, I had an opration and didn't have another UTI until age 14.  Then I started getting them all the time again, or I would be unable to hold my urine.  About five months ago I started taking cranberry capsules, and I haven't had an infection since.  I am also able to hold my urine like any normal person.  You should definitely try them.  Herbal remedies WORK.  I am 19 years old now, and fortunately I can do my thing without having to worry about what my bladder can and can't hold.

    Good luck trying to conceive!

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