
How can I avoid anxiety? How can I cure fibromyalgia?

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How can I avoid anxiety? How can I cure fibromyalgia?




  1. There is no known cure for fibromyalgia but I will tell you what happened to me. I was diagnosed with fibro in 1990.

    I researched all the medical Journals I could. I eventually found out that advanced thyroid dysfunction had all the symptoms that fibro had.

    But the Doctor kept saying that my thyroid blood work was fine. I kept begging to see an endocrinologist and when I finally did, she ordered an ultrasound and eventually, I had my thyroid removed and I was out on thyroid replacement meds. miracle My fibro of 18  years disappeared.  No more pain. Ask your Doctor. The research says that 66% of  fibro patients have thyroid dysfunction.

    Anxiety is also a symptom of fibro.

    I believe that Lyrica is the drug of choice for Fibro.

    Also very low dose antidepressants help the body make serotonin to reduce pain.

  2. you cant avoid anxiety, you need to deal with it head on.  I know its tough because I dealt with it for years.  Eat better, take more vitamins and drink more water.  Find ways to distract yourself.  

  3. There is no cure for fibromyalgia.

  4. I am not familiar with fibromyalgia...

    but I'm a chronic Anxiety Disorder sufferer and recently got help from a therapist which I think helps.

    For me, getting out more and distracting myself helps a lot. Just confront your fears one day at a time.

  5. There is no cure for fibromyalgia but medications are available to ease the symptoms. It can be very painful at times but is in no way life threatening but this could be causing your anxiety.

  6. For anxiety I'm using acupuncture and at the moment seems to be working. Also, you should avoid coffee and the use of any drugs that can make you hyper. I'm combining acupuncture with Chinese herbs and, as I already said, my levels of anxiety are decreasing. Remember! you should go to a professional certified person to do this things (that means...avoid pseudo-religious/new agers and any other weird person without a good certification, i.e. National University of Taiwan is a good standing institution in Oriental medicine).

    I'm sorry! I have no idea about how to cure fibromyalgia.

  7. There is no cure for fibromyalgia, all you can do is manage your symptoms. Anxiety and stress can trigger flare-ups of fibro pain, so you are on the right track trying to control your anxiety levels.

    Massage can help. Recognizing where in your life you are experiencing the most anxiety is a huge first step in managing it. I work at home and drove myself crazy working when my kids were around. Now, I mainly work when they go to bed. I sleep a little less, but more soundly because I am not as stressed out!

  8. anybody that claimes they can cure Fibromyalgia is a quack.

    vitamin therapy does not help real fibromyalgia--it helps a vitamin deficiency that has similar symptoms to fibromyalgia

    it is beleived to be a disorder of teh central nervous systemj-

    neuro drugs like cymbalta, lyrica, and tramadol show teh most promise

  9. Hi Mahd,

    You can learn how to decrease and/or manage anxiety, but no one can avoid anxiety altogether. Living involves a little anxiety because it's what  motivates us to act. Imagine if you isolated yourself in your house from the world. At some point you'd have to eat, right? Well, for some people, just thinking about eating can cause anxiety: what will I eat? how much? how do I make it? will it be good? how will my body react? what should I drink? etc etc etc.

    So, avoiding anxiety is probably not a realistic goal. A way to decrease anxious feelings however, is to use cognitive therapy. I highly recommend this book: Feeling Good, by David Burns, PhD. It's based on Cognitive therapy's founder Aaron Beck, PhD. AWESOME read. You won't be able to put it down!

    The book can teach you how to record the automatic thoughts that contribute to your anxiety. Once you understand how your thoughts are involved, then you are in a better position to stop those thoughts and thus, decrease your anxiety.

    Regarding fibromyalgia, I heard of a pain medication that worked for it: Lyrica. Ask your doctor about it and if it's right for you.

    Good luck!


  10. I have read that Vitamin D supplementation can be effective against fibromyalgia.  I don't know what dose.  You would have to do some research online.

    Sorry I can't be too helpful with the anxiety issue.  Maybe yoga?  Possibly some herbal supplements like Valerian or St. John's Wort.  I would consider consulting with an alternative medicine practice.

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