
How can I avoid getting "thick" legs when running?

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This summer I'll be checking on a friends kids, whom live about 1.5 miles from where I work. I've decided to walk (working up to running) so that I can get my exercize in while I do this. I'll be walking/running the 1.5 miles over, staying there about 30 min, and returning the 1.5 miles back. My concern is, how do I get lean thighs, NOT the large "runners legs" that I see short distance runners often have. I'll be doing this routine Monday - Friday.

A little about me: I'm in my early 30s, am in so-so shape (not a "runner" per se, but have run three 5K's in two years and run about a 10 minute mile with really preparring) and weigh about 120 at 5'3.

Thanks in advance for you advice!




  1. You will not develop think muscular thighs or legs from running easy distances.

    It is usually sprinters who also lift weights that develop think legs.

    You will tone  your legs, but they will not get thick from the exercise you have planned.

  2. ...

    You didn't mention how often you will be checking in on your friends' kids, whether once a day or more frequently.  But let's assume it's once a day.

    If you are running 3 miles a day, you aren't really covering enough ground to risk getting much thicker muscles in your thighs.  That really isn't a concern here.  You really need to be running 5, 6, 7, or more miles each day before you will be developing more muscular (=thicker) legs.

    The route to thinner thighs is . . . a long one.  Our bodies resist "spot-reducing," so  you have to focus on getting an overall thinner body - a lower percentage of body fat throughout your entire body.

    To do this, you need to discipline yourself to exercise and eat nutritious foods, and to eat a total number of a calories than you burn through activity and exercise each day (I am sure you have heard this lesson a thousand times!).  

    You need not run more than the 3 miles per day, but it'll take longer to lose weight across your whole body if you keep it at that level and not exercise more.

    Consider other aerobic exercises - swimming, group classes at the Y.  You could consider bicycling, or Spinning(c), but with these activities you are stressing - strengthening - and consequently enlarging: your thigh muscles.

    Consider also weight lifting, but if you haven't done it before, do it under supervision.  Moderate weights at moderate reps will provide you with a fitter body, better muscle tone, and it would be a long time before you, as a woman, have to worry about getting "ripped."  The muscles you enlarge (that's what happens through weight lifting) will ounce for ounce burn more calories in the course of a typical day's activities than other body tissue, particularly.  You end up burning more calories outside of the weight training sessions!



    btw, this is not medical advice!

  3. The only thing you can really do is compensate with other excercises like yoga or pilates that will give you longer lean muscles. Also make sure you're doing adequate stretching before any of it (which I'm sure you already know ) Good luck.

  4. Well distance will not give you thick legs, it will thin them, and frankly, muscled legs are better than nothing, and you will not build up legs that look like sprinter's by running 1.5 miles. You will be slimmer, i promise you.

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