
How can I avoid having a bad trip?

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My friends and I are going to try acid, and I was wondering what we should do to avoid having a bad trip. I know most of you will say, "Don't do it, then you're guaranteed not to have a bad trip." But I don't want answers like that. We've made up our minds, and that's not helping. So if anyone has some actual advice, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.




  1. Eat a good meal before,  go somewhere where you can be totally comfortable and with freinds that you enjoy being with, dont do it if ur have a bad week, it will intencifiy all your emotions ! thoughts. sip orange juice to bring you down , if your tripping too hard. go camping or something like that, where you can trip on nature.  Best do Shrooms, they dont give you brain damage. It is said 4 hits, and your legally insane !!

  2. Relax yourselves and I have heard that the environment you do it in can be very important.  Avoid bright lights or a place with flaching colored lights.  Use soft music because it will be enhanced by the experience. Always try to avoid argumentative people when doing so they will definitely mess up your mood.  Follow those tips  I picked up from talking with some people who have tripped and you should have a good one.

  3. The first thing is to not worry about having a bad trip and make sure you're in a good frame of mind (relaxed, happy).  

    However, you're most likely going to be nervous because it's your first time, so I'd recommend a small dose to start with.  Don't plan on trying acid in just one go.  Try out a level 1 trip to start and then work your way up to a level 3 or 4 in a few more trips.  If you take a low dose, you're guarenteed not to have a bad trip because the experience will be easy to control.  You will still have a good time, though.  Each level is different, so you're best trying them all out anyway to see what you like.  You also won't need a sitter if you start with a low dose and your set and setting won't be all that important.  You'll learn how to control your trips by working your way up through the levels, which will be much better off when you start taking larger doses.

    Psychedelic drugs are like no other drug.  They're very unique and tricky, so have respect for them when you do them.  Tripping is worlds away from being drunk, high, or anything else - you'll see what I mean when you try it.  It's unique because the actual drug is eliminated from your body very quickly after ingestion - it's as if the experience is set off by the drug and then carried out by your mind the rest of the time.

  4. well, make sure your not depressed or have any emotional problems like that.

    also, make sure your in a comfortable area where you won't be freaked out.

    im so jealous! i want to try that so bad, but im afraid to do it, ive heard too many things about it. also, i have way too many issues!

    not to scare you, but im afraid of it specifically because its the type of drug where it stores itself in your fat cells, and so can haunt you weeks or months after your initial trip.

    i have thizzed and loved that however, greatest drug hands down! :)

  5. I'm not going to say don't do it because I've always thought that using psychadelics in a proper way is O.K.  BUT... if you are going to do LSD, you should DEFINITELY have at least one person there who is NOT doing it, and you should have good thoughts before doing so, and don't be in dangerous places. Just be supervised and happy, and you'll probably have a good trip if it's good enough anyway. It's been years since I tried it a few times, and had some good trips. But you really have to have the right state of mind because you never know how, (or who), made it, and it can be dangerous. So be safe and have a good trip!

  6. How can you realistically give advice on stupidity??

  7. I have to say first - don't - thats hte safest way then if you do -

    First time go out in the country somewhere beautiful and clean - sometimes noise and traffic and strangers can be freaky - don't take a full tab share half a tab - Take lots of soft drink with you - its probably an urban myth but orange juice is supposed to help if you want to come down quicker - it can go on for hours so make sure that you start early or you'll be up all night . If there are enough of you do it on two different nights and split in two to be caretakers and trippers- Its quite funny being around people who are tripping.   If you see something ugly don't go with it turn your attention elsewhere.

  8. dont worry about it because it probably wont happen

    (but my real advice is dont do it....)

  9. go ahead.  then go to the first high rise building you see, go to the roof, then jump off!

    that what you want to hear, PUNK?

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