
How can I avoid hitting anything major while piercing my lip?

by  |  earlier

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DO NOT TELL ME NOT TO DO IT. If you have no real advice or want to tell me to not, then leave. I've read around, I've purchased a sterilized kit from, and I'm going to do it.

I heard that there's a chance of hitting a nerve or vein and it can cause temporary paralysis of the face and bruising. Can someone please tell me how to avoid this? I'm thinking about switching off the lights for a sec and using a flashlight. PLEASE tell me.




  1. hello....i am no body to tell you not to do it but it won't be fun if sever a do the best and get yourself to a piercing shop cause they have much more experience and everybody has different location of veins so nobody can tell u where urs is

  2. get it professionally done.

  3. Uh, pay the money and go to an actual piercer who knows what they're doing.

    But hey, it's your face. Have fun.

  4. Try searching Youtube or Google. Or why not call and ask a professional..

    14! Did you get permission from your parents? Badass!

  5. I've done all my piercings on my own besides my belly button and I love doing it myself, I feel as if it hurts less. Theres nothing major to hit just fold your lip. Heres my snakebites..

    Its also really not painful.

    I suggest not using any ice or anything either , just straight through.

    Hope I helped.

  6. mmm a power drill? what r u crazy?

  7. I've pierced both of my snakebites with a safety pin myself and nothing happened.

    But I'm not recommending it, but I know nothing will stop you, haha.

    Those bumpy things that you feel on the inside of your lip, those are the nerves, but they actually usually just bounce out of the way.

    I mean piercers don't really pick a specific perfect spot when they're piercing lips they just have the right equipment and experience.

    I think the only real way to hit the nerve is if you do it super fast like with a gun, but there's no such thing as a lip piercing gun.

    Also if you don't have a hollow needle to stick the barbell through, then leave the needle in for a while until it's easy to move it around the piercing without it sticking that way when you take it out and put the ring/barbell it will be way easier, and your hole won't try to resist.

  8. (i have experience in piercings and i am an apprentice so i no what im talking about.) no that is a myth. you wont paralyze your face. make sure to start from the inside of your mouth, the exit should be on the outside. just find where you think it should go and go for it. piercing only pinch for like a second. oh and make sure to spray it with h2ocean( it really pays off to get it) a few times a day and wash with listerine everyday and no smoking for 2 weeks at least. and try not to move the jewelry around or take it out at least 2 weeks....but looking for veins to avoid is good as you want to avoid them anyway..thats the reason why you will get some blood but thats ok.. thats one of the reasons why professional piercers know anatomy.

  9. Just go for it ! I don't think there's anyway of knowing exactly where a vein is.  

  10. idiot

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