
How can I avoid killing slowworms when I mow my lawn?

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How can I avoid killing slowworms when I mow my lawn?





    good luck with that

    lol actually maybe if you water your lawn a little before... cuz they dont like water so they will probably burrow into the dirt to get away from it and theyll be safe (i dont know if this really works i kinda just thought of it but it makes sense to me)

  2. Harness a snail to the mower and let it pull the mower"snails pace"..a worm can outrun a snail

  3. before  moe ur lone get the warms put him in the bottle then mow ur loan. THen put them back

  4. I read about this in a book recently. It says to gently rake the lawn first so you see the slow worms. This guy is a professional gardener/wildlife exprt so I would take his He said that he saved 7 slow worms in 4 months by doing that.

  5. Tell them to hurry up?

  6. You might try enticing them off your lawn. They like a dark hideaway, out of the wind and rain, while having a place to bask in the sun (after all they are lizards).

    Try placing a few pieces of slate around your lawn, on a sandy base, with a couple of sticks to provide an aperture under the slates. Leave a clump of long grass close to the slates, to provide cover.

    You could make a garden feature of slates, surrounded by long grass.

    Of course, you should not let your lawn grow so long! REGULAR mowing will persuade the werms to stay in the long stuff.

  7. Well if a lawn mower came in my direction, I'd move.

    I'm sure the worms will sense the vibrations and move also.

  8. Afraid you can't....we get them all the time.

    Are you in the south btw as it's the only place i've lived where u get them.

  9. you lucky thing, slowworms like to go under corrugated iron so put some down near the edge of your lawn they should go under it or some kind of sheet metal then at least you can save some, i say stuff the lawn save the slowworms lol

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