
How can I avoid scary dreams?

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These days, I keep on seeing bad dreams when sleeping.

It's scary, and I'm really scared to go to bed.

What are good methods to avoid them?




  1. you are more likely to have nightmares if you are cold. so make sure you have plenty of blankets!

  2. Warm milk, and yoga,,,definately the answer

  3. i suggest before going to bed take a paper and a pen and start writing anything you want ... to be relax .. and never eat too much before going to bed .. take exercises and drink milk its good ..

    best wishes..

  4. Recurrent dreams are significant and reflective of an

    underlying problem. You can try relaxation exercises

    OR you can confront what is truly bothering you.

    The latter choice is more difficult but will give you

    thr results you ultimately need.

  5. Don't watch horror movies or read horror. We generally dream about what we have experienced during the day. So skip the news and watch or read comedy before bed or talk on the phone to your best friend. Think about pleasant things while you try to fall asleep like a great vacation you went on.

  6. eat two hrs before u go to sleep and dont watch scarry things. if u think about it, then that just makes it worst! try to listen to relaxing music or watch something 'happy' i guess u could say, lol.

  7. scary dreams are not always bad mabe god is trying to tell you something read your  bible and find out what he saying when you dream about snakes the lord is letting you know the enemy is at work against you prey

  8. don't drink spicy food before bed

    do some regular exercise daily

    build up confidence

    share your pain, feelings with people you trust

    vent out your feeling in day time

    Most of the times, we vent out scary dream at night because of insecurity and there is no way to vent out in day time. That is why bad images came at night.  If you do above, you will have less chance to have nightmare.

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