
How can I avoid spilliage during s*x?

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When having s*x without a condom, at the end when he ejaculates, it always ends up spilling. How can I avoid it in the future?




  1. abstinence

  2. You could try holding your legs up while laying down, but unless you wanna get pregnant I think you should let as much out as possible.  Right after you have s*x you can take a shower and rinse things'll be slightly less messy that way.

  3. I'm guessing when you say "spilling", you mean coming out of your v****a and onto the bed... If so, there isn't really anything you can do.  When he cums inside you, some of it will stay there, but the rest will naturally come back out.  It has to go somewhere...  The only way to avoid this is by making him wear a condom.

  4. enjoy each and every moment even the feeling of spillage.

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