
How can I be NEGATIVE but objective in a concert review about bands I have seen?

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I feel I have a good writing style but I am too soft on the bands I write for, Please give some hints on how to make writing more objective and less sympathetic when it is needed?




  1. Focus on what the bands did wrong in technical language or in language that does not use the first person pronoun.

    Do not get to know the band. It makes it harder to listen.

    Stuff I have thought about performances I have heard, witnessed:

    1. They mis-spoke the lyrics. The lyrics were so hackneyed, though, and therefore perhaps it was just as well.

    2. The drummer was often half a beat behind the rhythm guitar, though occasionally he was a little in advance of it.

    3. (The following applies to half the bands I see.) They looked like they were aiming to be teenagers doing watered down garage punk, but the men plainly were in their early thirties. If the women were not reformed prostitutes, it's because they hadn't the wit to understand virtue.

    4. The singer aimed for C (or whatever) but could only bracket C.

    5. The chord progressions were not those of the songs they covered, cheerfully omitting sustained notes, ninths, and intermediate steps in a sequence. This was not more original, it was just just wrong. When they wrote their own material, they managed the same cliches as every other band. Their lyrics were they were singing were indistinguishable from those every other band writes (name some).

    6. A sound derivative of the Eagles, derivative of Nirvana, etc.

    7. Britney Spears, without the temperament, looks, talent, energy, or wildness but some of the same stupidity.

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