
How can I be a Reiki Master (Tibetan and Usui) and I still get really sick?

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I just got attuned to Reiki Saturday and I felt okay then but now i've been really sick with a head-cold for the past 2 days. It started yesterday morning. Sunday I healed myself numerous times and each time was successful. Yesterday morning i had a sore throught and i healed it, but it came back a few hours later. I healed it again and this time it barely worked. I tried again and this time it wouldn't work at all. Do you think i may be using up all my energy rather than using God's energy? If i am, how do you think i can use God's energy to heal, while at the same time gaining some of my own energy back?




  1. Um ok yeah. Take some tylenol cold and you will be fine. Or go to the Dr/ An actual MD. You know one that has been to med school.

  2. Having Reiki does not mean you will never get ill or die. It does not make you immortal nor does it mean that everyone you offer Reiki to will be cured.

    Healing takes many forms and it may not always look like perfect health.

    I have known people who have taken on terrible diseases in order to bring healing to their family or loved ones.

    It is good not to worry or judge yourself or others for having an illness.

    This may be a way that your body is detoxing and adjusting to your new attunement. It may be the body's way of causing you to slow down and rest as your system adjusts to new energies.

    Your body is your teacher and it has wisdom. Continue to do your self healing daily and trust that it is doing what you need it to do even if you have a cold.

    Rest, drink water, eat veggies, pray, do self healing, offer healing to your loved ones far away and to the planet. You will have time to do this if you are down with a cold.

    it is ok.

  3. If you JUST got your attunment the other day, your not a master.  However if you have studied the Usui system for years, then you should be aware that, respirtory and throat ailments are brought on by our lack of expressing ourselves and hurt feelings.

  4. When you actually and truly believe that you are open to the Universe's Divine Love and Healing, then  you will be healed and your energy levels will come back.  A blocked Throat chakra means that you are not speaking up for yourself OR that your creativity is being blocked OR you are upset that you aren't being noticed ("when is it MY turn" etc)  Your body is going through the proper attunement process of trying to release the blockages from the past, so go with it.  Eat light, vegetarian meals to help your body.  Also, get more sleep as this is when the body heals at nighttime.  You didn't mention your dreams?  Have you been paying attention to your dreams?  You should be having some pretty good ones right now.

  5. as with everything, this is about balance.  one person cannot heal himself by trying one thing.

    treat what ails you in several ways, including what you put into your body to help it fight off illness.

  6. You should be asking that question of the tooth fairy, she would know.

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