
How can I be a good softball player?

by  |  earlier

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um yeah i just need overall tips on fielding (not sure what position i'd play, ideas are way more than welcome), batting, etc. links to youtube videos are good too. thanks.




  1. To be a good player you must practice and practice, dont forget practice make perfect and a better player.

  2. Well find out what position your going to play and then ask again too but for right now here's an overall answer for all positions.

    If your gonna be a pitcher (like me) you need to have a ball and glove in your hand almost 24/7. You need to practice for atleast an hour and a half everyday to really get good. I even took private lessons to get on the game. I don't know how old you are or what age level your at but you might also wanna learn change up pitches, inside and outside pitches, risers, and curve balls. It depends on your age level. If your not in high school yet, I wouldn't try risers and curve's yet unless your coach wants you too.

    For The other parts of the In field, you have to be on your toes constantly. If the pitcher doesn't strike them out, it's coming to her backups. Thats your key to get the out and help out your pitcher. Always be ready. Don't start day dreaming or you'll loose your focus and your coach/teammates won't like it. Make sure you have a strong throw the each base also.

    As for outfield, you as well need to be on your toes. It might not seem like an "exciting" position but you still need to be ready. When playing this position (left, center, or right field) you can save the game. If the in field fails to grab the ball and make a play and it comes out to you you need to be ready. that can affect the entire game. Without an outfield who knows what their doing, your team is weak. outfielders also can save the game but catching those key hits that are shot out there. Some homers that don't quite make it over too.

    All I can say with batting is, don't try to kill it. Thats the worst thing you can do. Go to a local batting cage, or lessons on batting to get down the key stance and practice. And when you do hit the ball on that field, don't stop before you hit first base. Run right through but don't come back in in fair territory; they'll tag you out at any chance.

    Be smart on the bases, don't day dream or else you could cost your team the game.

    Hope this helps!

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