
How can I be a great server?

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I am training to be a server at a restaurant. I went to a different part of the restaurant this week and at the end of my shift, the management said they expect a lot out of me when they start me serving again. My question to you is what do you think makes a good server? Do you like someone who just does the job and minds their own business, or someone who is outgoing and talkative to you? Do you like a server who gets things like refills without being asked, or do you prefer they ask you. I have done serving before with little mistake, but I need to really impress the management this time. Any adcive and tips welcome!





  1. You are a liason between the guest and the kitchen.  Refill the drinks before and during the meal and afterwards as needed.  Some restaurants have fan surveys.  Just be friendly, efficient, and get the job done.  Full hands in full hands out.  Minimize your trips as much as possible.  This gets easier with time, but that's something to work towards.  Providing a perfect meal from start to finish is your goal, and it is a team effort. Know that and strive to be a functioning part of that operation.  Good Luck=)

  2. eye contact, tone of voice, don't ask to much about there personal life's, maybe ask them how there meal went and if they'd like a refill.

    any help?

  3. The key to being a good server is first and foremost treating each of your tables like guests in your home. If you think about it, each of your guests have different needs. Some of them prefer you to be silent and just get them their food without much conversation. Others want you to be outgoing with them. Just like guests in your home, not everyone you invite over has the same personality. You need to be able to learn to understand what each of your guests need and how to best cater to each individual's demands. If a guest seems uncomfortable making conversation or is busy talking to the other guests, then it's probably best to be more resigned with them. It is rude to interrupt their conversations, if you need to ask them something stand by the table and wait for them to pause the chatting. If a guest seems eager to make small-talk, entertain them! Do what makes them feel comfortable.

    Here are some basic tips for being a good server:

    1) Smile at everyone and look happy to be there (even if you're not). You never know if people walking in the restaurant are going to be sat in your section.

    2) Introduce yourself to your guests. Ask them how they are doing. Tell them your name and that you are going to be taking care of them. That way, if they need you later, they can call you by your name. It makes them feel comfortable, and if they like you, they may end up asking for you next time they come to eat.

    3) Be knowledgeable of the menu. Think of a few things that you like on the menu so that you can recommend them when a customer asks. Also, it is good to have at least tried most of the menu items just so you can describe them to curious guests. If a guest asks about a menu item that you particularly don't like, you can always say something along the lines of "If you like cheese, you'll love our three-cheese penne" or "I personally haven't had it before, but the quesadilla is one of our most popular items".

    4) Make sure you are attentive. Stop by often and ask if everything is doing well, and check to see if anyone needs refills. It's usually better to ask if anyone wants a refill rather than grab the glass away from them. But you could carry a pitcher and take it to the table when you ask. If you have been getting refills frequently for a particular guest, then it is safe to assume they'll want more and then it's good to just bring them another glass or refill their drink without asking.

    5) When you think guests are ready to leave, ask them if they're saving room for dessert. If they say no, then ask if there's anything else you can get them. Usually they'll say "The check, please". But if not, print it out for them and when you drop it off say "I'm just going to set this here for you, but there's no rush." Also, when you print out the check, it's good to circle the total price, and also write a little note at the top like "Thanks!" and then sign your first name. (I always add a smiley face too). Make sure you personally thank the guests for stopping by and tell them you hope to see them again, or something along those lines.

    These are all just a few tips on dealing with your guests. It is good to be very attentive in general, because to really impress management you should be able to not only take care of your guests but be aware of other guests and your co-workers as well. If you are able to take care of your guests with few errors and also help out your peers, it really makes you stand out. Also, if you have sidework assigned to you, make sure you keep on it. Make sure your tables are clean and that all of your other responsibilities are taken care of.

    Finally, everyone gets into bad situations from time to time. People make mistakes, or sometimes you just get a table that you know from the start is going to give you a hard time. You can't do anything to change that, and it may be difficult to deal with. But try not to let it show and keep a positive attitude as much as possible.

    I hope I've been of help to you. I have had about a year of experience as a server. Within my first month, I received a pin for my good service and I constantly get 20% and even some 50% tips from my guests.

    Good luck! The fact that you ask for advice shows that you've got the right attitude!

  4. Some of the things that impress me about a server are when they tell me their name.  I hate needing something and see the server across the way and can't get his attention because I don't want to say "hey, you".  I also like it when they know the soup of the day or the specials and their prices.  Refilling before I need to ask is a big plus, unless I'm almost done eating - don't want to waste a whole glass of soda.  I love an out going and upbeat personality.  Thanks for caring enough to post a question about it - a sign you'll do well!  Good Luck.

  5. First of all smile and speak very plainly.  After you serve the food, ask if there is anything else you can get for them.  Refill the water and other beverages.  If there are children in the group, recognize their presence and see that their orders are served first.

  6. Well when i go to a resturant my parents tip big with people who are confedent, and who arent like a robot. Be fun, and joke around a bit, it earns u big. Plus if u have a good memory, skip the pad and pencil. It really impresses ppl when they tell you alot of stuff and u just repeat it. Hope i could help :)

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