
How can I be a healthy vegetarian?

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I am vegetarian, but I believe that my diet is not healthy enough, I want to broaden my horizon's but I absolutely do not want to eat meat. I don't mind eating eggs and milk products, but I do mind things that contain gelatin. Can you tell me foods I should avoid/cut out of my diet and tell me what I should integrate into my foods?

Thanks for your help!




  1. You dont have to cut all gelatin things, just dont eat as much. And if you think you arent eating healthy enough, try to eat more friuts and veggies.  

  2. eat meat

  3. You can incorporate soy into your diet, through eating food such as tofu and drinking soy milk.  

  4. I would say eat eggs and tofu for protein... people make it seem like tofu is disgusting but it really isnt depending how you cook it. eat every section of the food pyramid besides meat in moderation. then ur eating right:-)  

  5. Vegetarians don't eat animals.  With vegetarianism as long as the animal didn't have to die to get the food, it is said to be ok! That's the basic idea of Vegetarians!  There are some that take things a little bit farther.. they won't eat honey or gelatin because of the cruelty the bees or animals received!  True Vegetarian don't eat fish!  

  6. 5 Simple Ways to Eat Healthier

  7. Don't Eat Junk Then If Ur Not Heathy

  8. Eat a Baconator for breakfast everyday.

  9. beans!!!! the magical fruit!

  10. nuts.

  11. Being vegetarian is the easiest way to be healthy, because you don't stuff your face with Big Macs like others.  

    I few things I eat:

    Boca burger (it takes a while to get used to)

    Tacos with veg. crumbles.

    Chili w/ crumbles

    pretty much anything.  If it has ground beef, just replace it with crumbles.

    If you don't know, crumbles are just like ground beef, but yummier, and vegetarian.  The best crumbles are from Morning Star.  Everything from Morning Star, but chicken, is great.

  12. Bread, pasta, cereal, rice, beans, peas, lentils, nuts, seeds, fruits and veggies can easily offer everything that you need except B12.

    All vegetarians should take a B12 supplement regularly since most people eat meat, dairy AND fortified cereals yet still have a B12 status that is lower than recommended.

    It may help you if you see proof that vegetarian people have the same potential as anyone else.

    If you need meat or dairy during any stage of your life or to live any certain lifestyle, why does the American Dietetic Association say otherwise?

  13. you can try to add seitan, tempeh, tofu, total vegetable protien, soy, etc to ur diet...most of this stuff can be found at a health food store, such as trader joes, wild oats, sunflower market, whole foods, etc.  good luck!

  14. I would love to help you. First, you need to get all your protein like everyone else. So to do this you should have bread eggs fruit vegetables. Also try try and try don't give in. Keep going being a vegetarian. maybe one day scientists will come up with food where you don't have to eat meat. Who knows? Avoid junk food too. I hope I helped.

  15. After being a lacto-vegetarian for 11 years and being a vegan for the last year and a half or so, I have found that cooking and experimenting with recipes and flavors that I enjoy has been the best way to find foods that I enjoy eating.  If you are concerned about having a balanced diet, the vegetarian food pyramid is a good guide: You may also want to consult a registered dietitian who is familiar with vegetarian lifestyles if you still need additional guidance.

  16. Don't forget to get some proteins. Eat tofu!

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