
How can I be a super dweeb, w/out repercussions?

by Guest33947  |  earlier

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and get away with my hilarious super-funnies on Yahoo!Answers????

Oh! I know! be a super IT dink~

Isn't World of WarCraft missing your fat pimply *** right about now?




  1. ah lol i get it you are talking about other people not the way only one other person apart from me responded to this; and i am like pbly the most compassionate person on the earth. i.e. if its only me, u know ur in trouble..

    btw to be a super hot super dweeb...u got to be a hot chick...thank you very much


    ps tell ur mum i.e. ur warcraft buddy i said hello: she forgot her anti-itch cream round my house last night

  2. Interesting that the only person that finds you funny, is you.  If you posess even a fragment of human intelligence, you'd find a lesson here.

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