
How can I be adopted?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 18, male, from the Philippines. And I wanna be adopted by any good people.. I just wanna be a help to them and vice versa.. I'll be someone they want me to be.. Help please.. Suggest!




  1. adopted? You missed out on your window of opportunity about 17 1/2 years ago. Get a job.

  2. weird

  3. Once you're 18 you're considered an adult and you can no longer be adopted. I'm sorry :(

  4. your to old.

  5. well your 18 and that an adult so i think it will be very hard for some one to adopt you! maybe you Can try volunteering had help others that way!

  6. Sorry! Your an adult! Find a good nice family to spend time with!

  7. The people who are saying adults can't be adopted are WRONG. In fact, adult adoption is the ONLY type of adoption that I support.

    Good luck!

  8. I don't think that you would be able to be adopted because your 18.

  9. Get a Sugar Mama.

  10. I don't think adults can be adopted.

  11. You don't have to be adopted to find someone that will love you or be a mentor to you. You can help others and they can be of help to you without an adoption agreement in place.

  12. Sorry, but I don't think you can be adopted at age 18, you are considered and adult and now responsible for your own life...


  13. Umm go to an orphanage...

  14. if you just want to be loved than get apuppy they never stup loving you. i would suggest getting a yellow lab or a golden retriever and would nt suggest a cockerspaniel, dalmation, jack Russel, or a poodle

  15. You can be adopted at any age, how you are going to be is a wonder but you can be. Just a warning make sure they don't take out a huge life insurance policy on Arsenic and Old Lace

  16. do you have a family? why do you want to be adopted? i think  you're too old to be adopted anyway. if you want to help people you can volunteer somewhere or get a job

  17. Are you just trying to be taken care of?? Adopt yourself a job!! lol just kiddin

  18. if your 18 you cant be adopted. 18 year olds are considered adults and adults dont go up for adoption.

  19. Yes, you can be adopted as an adult.  18 is not a magic age.  Maybe you should reflect as to reasons why you feel adoption is necessary for you.  Contact the nearest child welfare agency and share your story.   Find out what your options are and be honest as to your intent.  Best of luck.

  20. I don't think you can be abopted.

    But maybe you can try a foreign exchange program, so that maybe you can come to america and someone can help you in the begaining. I'm sure theres a few programs.

    But also before you leave the Phillipines make sure you have an education or talent or somthing, so when you get here you can get a good paying job.

  21. i dont think adults can be adopted

  22. you are emancipated at 18 an can't be legally adopted

  23. Be a foreign exchange student. You are too old to be adopted.

  24. I think you're too old to be adopted. 18 legally makes you an adult.

  25. Find some rich, little old (very old) lady, and have her adopt you, then you'll inherit everything.

    Not really, but why do you want to be adopted now?

  26. ok first of all your 18 if you dont wanna live where you are why not move out

    second Im not sure alot of people wanna adopt a 18 year old sorry and I may be wrong cuz Im sure your a decent male but I always think that people want young kids.

  27. Yea call the news and tell them you wanna be adopted

    and then someone will adopt you and then

    you will be loved =]

  28. Try an orphanige.

  29. in america you are legally considered an adult therefore you cannot be adopted.

    i suggest you find a nice young lady and sweep her off her feet and start a family with her.

    there's not a gift more rewarding than being a parent. you might want to try that.

  30. Be really good look good act nice don't be mean or say nasty stuff

  31. If you're 18, you're considered a legal adult. I don't think that an adult can be adopted...Call an adoption agency and ask them about it.
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