
How can I be almost sure if my hamster is pregnant?

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I bought a female hamster from the pet store 5 and 1/2 days ago. We also bought another female to keep her company. The get along perfectly fine, but yesterday, she tried to bite me. I talked to her, she saw me, and she wasn't asleep when i saw her in her cage, so I think she may be pregnant. She is VERY active at night. All I hear is a squeaky wheel, and since they live next to my bed, I could see it was her on the wheel ( she is cream and white, and the other female is dark brown). Oh, and she was in a mixed cage when we bought her from the pet store, so that could be another possibility. she just made a nest-type thing in the corner of the cage. And her teats show more than the other female hamsters.Thanks for any answers!




  1. Well my hamster is pregnant cuz you can see her teats and they usually show 4 days before she gives birth. Well my preggy hamster always sleeps in the tunnel. Now she made 2 different nests in 2 days. Now she never sleeps in the tunnel. Well she drinks a whole lot a water and her tummy got a lil saggy. If its a dwarf like mine it might be hard to tell. If its a syrian it'll be easy to tell after a week or so. Well some signs is she's building a lot of nests, never sleeps in her regular sleeping spot, sleeps in the nest, hoards food in the nest, drinks a lot, tummy gets a lil saggy, teats are showing, she's aggressive(maybe), and I hope this helps!

  2. take it to the vet and they should tell you for little or no cost

  3. haha maybe make her take a pregnancy test!! hahahaha. just kidding. call the vet that your only alternative.  

  4. Hamsters are less active while they are pregnant, not more so.

    Their gestation period is only two weeks. So if you have baby hamsters in a week, you'll know she was pregnant. Aside from that, there is no real way to tell. The fact that she bit you doesn't necessarily mean she is pregnant. She'll get noticeably fatter too.  

  5. here's a good site to check out:

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