
How can I be an amazing college baseball player?

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I'm an average player basically. I'm left handed and I play LF and P. I had shoulder surgery so I can't throw like i would max is about 150 ft on a good day and probably hit low 70s pitching wise but have alot of movement and control. and in the wood bat league i batted .308 this summer...but the sad thing is i'm what can I improve to be a college player?




  1. try to go to a junior college and work your *** off.

    long toss as much as you can to improve arm strength.

  2. Flexibility, mechanics, and a wood bat will get you on your way to becoming a better hitter. Now before you look away from this let me explain. I can bet good money that you are not as flexible as a gymnast so until you are you have not done your job on making yourself flexible, which will make it easier for your body to move when you hit the ball and run the bases.

    Now for mechanics, you have to video tape your hitting mechanics and learn where you are making errors in the hitting motion. Watch video of how Major League ballplayers hit the ball (go to or or google search "MLB First Year Player Draft") and take the quality basics of their mechanics in the videos and apply it to how you hit the baseball. For more info click here and see "Hitting With Success" and "Why You Should Hit With Wood."

    Good luck with the training! Feel free to email me if you have any questions at Look forward to talking with you.

    - The Professor

  3. eat your wheaties

  4. Dude its not going to happen.  Maybe you could play for the University of Phoenix.

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