
How can I be attractive to girls?

by  |  earlier

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First off, I am skinny (I'm 6' 3" and only 145 lbs). Do I need to work out? I really don't have the patience to work out, and my metabolism won't let me gain weight without working out.

Also, I'm very shy; I have a medium-server stutter (not nervousness; my vocal chords never developed properly). This is off and on.

I need a new haircut. My hair is straight, very thick, and brown. Currently short.

What can I do?!




  1. Dude if a girl doesn't like you for who you are, dont waist your time trying to fit her perfect guy mold. Also talk to random girls, many women want the guy to initiate conversation. If you mess up and say something stupid who cares, chances are you will never see them again! There are to so many women with different preferences in guys their is def someone out there for you. Oh yeah and don't EVER be afraid that a girl is out of your league!  

  2. dont worry about the skinny thing.  i personally love tall, skinny boys.  especially ones that wear small band shirts.  so hot.

    but you just need confidence in yourself and what you do.  dont worry about the weight just be happy you arent fat or whatever.  the more confidence you have then the less shy you will become.  

    just do what makes you happy and keep on =] you sound really cute

  3. How old are you? if your younger you shouldnt even worry

    And don't worry!!! A lot of girls are attracted to tall and skinny guys! guys who are super buff are not attractive to some girls.

    And don't worry anyone who is someone who you'd want to be with won't care about your stutter. Just be a little more outgoing, try to have a little more confidence and things will all work out!  Don't chagnge your self to get a girlfriend.

  4. I don't like when guys are super skinny (which you kinda are) try to gain 10-15 lbs. Working out is always a plus.

    The stutter wouldn't turn me off, but the shyness would. I have a cousin who stutters and a friend with a different speech problem and I know that you get used to it. I hardly even notice anymore. But I do like confident guys and shyness is a sign of low confidence.

    Keep your hair short. Without knowing what your face looks like I can't tell you an exact cut, but short is always good.

  5. confidence boy, confidence.

    and you sound like you could rock a pair of skinny jeans, so id invest in a couple pair if i were you

  6. work at Hollister or abrecrombie and fitch.

    im 5/9 skinny and have short black tick hair.

    i work at hollister and girls dig that trust me ;)

  7. wear clothes made of money.

  8. wear a turban. mmmm.....

  9. It's hard to say without a picture, but you really shouldn't change yourself for a whole race of living thing that for the most part, HAVE NO IDEA what they want. Be yourself, ultimately, even if it may take some time & patience, you'll attract the right kind of girl, not some shallow, typical little Hollister girl. Maybe get an edgy haircut, but for yourself, not for anyone else, most girls can easily pick up on things like that. Do what you're comfortable with, it's cute :).

  10. Send a pic I will tell you...

    Some advice... don't change things about yourself to impress chicks... it often doesnt' work and you are still stuck with low confidence.  Try finding things in yourself to be proud of, add what is lacking and change what shouldn't be there... do it because of yourself not girls.

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