
How can I be completely straight????

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Please help me I'm 13 and for the past year (it started when i was 12) I was having rushing thoughts about being g*y, but I don't want to be g*y, I like girls, but my hormones rush and get turned on about guys, and I don't want that to happen any more I WANT TO BE STRAIGHT, how can I be completely straight???? Is it just puberty because that started when I was 12 too...?




  1. Relax. Breathe.

    You seem a bit panicked.

    Why does it scare you so much?

    Do you know anyone you can discuss it with?  I suggest you talk it over with an adult who can help you feel better about yourself and your feelings.

  2. You can't be 'completely straight'. You were born the way you are

    If you'd like to talk to a real person, contact the people at the Trevor Project. They are a helpline for g*y, L*****n, bi, transgender, and questioning youth. It is completely free

  3. You can surpress your feelings. But if you do end up g*y, You cannot change yourself. You might be too young to really know yet, So hang tight. And do accept who-ever you are please!  

  4. Calm down.  As you say, the rush of hormones is making you attracted to just about everyone.  It will settle down and get better, but in the meantime, just ride the hormonal tide and don't worry about it.  You don't have to act on anything.  

  5. I'm g*y to and I learned a long time ago it's something your born with, regardless of what the bigots think, truth is they don't even know what the h**l their talking about 99.9% of the time so they are wrong, we are right. Don't be ashamed, embrace it...when your out of high school that is, hetero teens can be the most ignorant of the bunch!

    Although there is the possibility that you might be bisexual. You said you like girls but also get turned on by boys. I think bisexual's have it a bit easier!

  6. Being g*y is not optional.  You are what you are, and you're just as good as anyone else.  Maybe you're not even g*y, you might be bi curious.  You can blame society for teaching you to be afraid of your emotions.  

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