
How can I be diffrent to really show a friend, of mine who is a girl that I want more, i want to be spontanous

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I have known her for 2 months and i really care for her I threw out little hints but i am sure not what she thinks and i would like to ask her out but i want to be diffrent i wanna do somthing spontangous about it, i am not sure how to go about that.




  1. If you plan it out, then it is not spontaneous.

  2. Hmm...find out how to be romantic, and do it. Don't be too forceful with her. When you are out with her BE SURE that there are other people there to. Otherwise, she will swat you off. And remember, you have eternity, so take everything slow. 2 months? Ok, just remember, if she doesn't like you....welll.....theres plenty of other fish in the sea, so don't be hard on yourself.

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