
How can I be less conceited?

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i don't know if i am conceited or just confident and i don't know how to tell the difference. people,when they first meet me,think i am s****.. but i am nice when you get to know me. let's see, im 17 almost 18, people are always telling me i am "pretty, beautiful,that i should model,etc" im 5'10", slender,have over a 4.0 gpa (YEs it is possible), am really good at basketball,parents get me pretty much anything i want,had the perfect childhood but highschool kinda sucks because i work so hard at my grades,live near the beach,etc. i feel conceited. can u people criticize me or something so i can reduce my ego? i just feel conceited alot of the time and i want to change but i don't know how. guys are so scared of me. they just stare alot but never approach me. even guys who know i am nice and stuff. guys at school stammer and get nervous when i talk to them. i don't know what to do. basically,i feel like a spoiled brat and want to change.




  1. You don't exhibit good judgement, in the first place.   This is Men's Health, and hasn't anything to do with your personality problems.

    Try psychology!!

  2. You are young and have your whole life ahead of you. Yes you do need the confidence to get around in this world, but try being a little humble about it. It it very obvious to people that know you that you are beautiful and have a lot going on for you. You don't have to constantly remind people of it. Don't focus too much on your outer apperance, make sure you have a lot of substance on the inside too. It is good you are asking the question b/c you want to improve in this area. It is even better to be both beautiful on the inside as well as the outside. Life can change for all of us including you, so don't focus so intensely on how great you are. Blow someone's head off by walking up to them and striking a conversation...they may never arpproach you out of fear. So take the first are confident enough!

  3. go ask in womens health where you belong, men arent conceited we just know when we are hot and when we arent.

  4. if you want to change then change. the only person who is going to do that yourself.

    why don't you go up to the guys that stare at you and never come over to you?

    just change little things in your life and you will become more happy with your life.

  5. then change, no one can do that for you!  you may be extremely pretty and smart but if your always thinking about how great you will miss out on how great other people are.  personality is important and if people know how conceited you are then they won't want to be around you.

  6. are you seriosly asking such a stupid question?



  8. SHUT. THE. ****. UP basicaly

    ******* **** **** **** murder **** **** **** babies **** **** **** **** **** kites ******* **** **** butter ******* **** **** **** chom

  9. first off, i'm a dude, but I suggest you start hanging around the popular hot girls at school, they will help you meet guys, I had over a 4.0 in  high school b/c of ap weighted classes and managed  to wrestle and swim, honestly I realized the people you hang with play an important role in your social life, regardless of being smart or an athlete as far as being conceited, just remember it feels good to be number one and you should never feel bad about something your good at.

    ps. Any party you get invited to you should always attend, or at least make an appearance, your not a spoiled brat your just succesful, and I live near the beach too on the west coast to be specific

  10. I'll let you in on a little secret to happiness in life.

    Don't go through it always thinking that you have to "one up" someone else. People feel the need to go through life trying to convince other people why their own accomplisments are better than the other person. Think about it... when someone says... "I have a 4.0" gpa... do you say "Wow, thats really great, how did you pull that off"... or do you say... Oh yeah...well I have a 4.3. Sometimes we don't do it to be mean or spoiled... we just feel the need to let others know our own accomplishments.

    However, you will find you get a lot more respect from people if you try to make an effort to just keep your mouth shut about your own life, and act completely interested in what theyre saying. Instead of responding to someones story with your own story, try to just tell them that you think their accomplishment is really cool, and ask questions about it.

    I mean, sure theres instances where its necessary to put your own life experience into a conversation... however nobody really wants to be around someone whose always trying to one-up them. But if you make them feel special, and good about themselves, rather than making them feel jealous or like theyre not good enough for you, people will respect you a lot more.

  11. I hate spoiled people. They are arrogant and get on my nerves. I wish they would burn.

    However, i think your just confident. Concided people have a hard time admitting that they are, and since you think you may be, you deffinatly arent.

    Your fine (:

  12. wow, i have no clue it looks like this is up to you

  13. I was just saying this morning that I REALLY dislike people that are very fond of themselves - they should just marry a mirror.  You'd better learn how to moderate that or when you get 45 yr old +/- you'll be suicidal.

  14. check out and search "how to be humble" I'm sorry i can't provide a link cuz my computer sucks.  

  15. There's NOTHING wrong with embracing who you are. It only becomes a problem when you mistakenly assume you're better than anyone else for whatever reason. For instance, you may be thrilled with your accomplishments and life set up and pity those who seem less lucky, but  keep in mind there are a lot of people who pride themselves for completely different things that you pride yourself for.

    For instance, I know girls who adore their shortness. I also know people who are proud as h**l that they managed to miss more school days there senior year than anyone else.  

  16. Everyone I know is a little conceited, in fact I'm the only one who is normal...

  17. yah if your parent get you everything, and you dont pay for anything? thats spoiled. try getting a job and paying for stuff and managing money on your own.

  18. You could be less conceited if you didn't tell people all of that. Keep it to yourself and only tell your really close friends about your GPA

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