
How can I be more aggressive in volleyball?

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When I was younger, I was always shy. Now I feel like I'm not very confident. Whenever I play J.O. volleyball I feel like I'm always going to mess up and I really can't be myself. How can I maybe step out of my shell and be more confident in everythig that I do?

Also, someone had told me that it doesn't look like I really care about volleyball by face expressions when I play. But I can't help what I look like. I love volleyball. Can anyone help me?




  1. Be tough on the court. you can still be your normal shy selve but every time your on the court always focus. try to think- this is your game, you not going to lose to those wannabe's, u can kick their ***, so do it! be mad at the ball if u have too, think of ur worse person in the world that u dispise(my history teacher to me, lol) and when ever im going  to hit the ball or w/e its that person's face. also  hit it hard bc ur mad but still control it, give it all uve got, dotn hold out. and when ever u haev to dive or go for a bal lto pass think to urself that if u let a ball drop u just lost a million dolars or somethign very valuable. and if u win the game the nu treat yourself, and punish urself if u know u havent been tough in the game. so if u know u wernt tough and confident then punish urself like i lovve chocolate, and wen i lose a game and i know its my fault for not going to the ball bc i wasnt tough then i dont get to eat chocolate for a week.( decide to do that, no one tells me, i decide that i deserve to be punished so next tiem im more motivated to win bc im extra hungrey for chocolate.) or 3 days, start out short to get used to the rithem, and if u win treat urslef and feel proud after knowign uve been tough a game or have even won the game. volleyball is about fun so dotn get all mean but dotn get all nice too, its serious, winning is fun and when u win u have fun, when u lose u get depressed, etc. be a little mean soemtimes its ok, then ppl will respect u because ur good and serious. dotn goof off and w/e u do if u know ur not the best on the team then dotn be mean, be nice especially to the best player bc it would be really stupid and funny if a bad player acted all high and mighty when they sucked. just be nice and mean at the same time, u get respect and it makes u proud which makes u confident but also be nice dotn become enemies with ur teamates. And when soemoen says u dont love vball because of how u play or how u look when u play tell them this- " ok, fine, u have ur opinion, but i love volleyball and u dotn know me that well to know if i love the game truly or not, and just how i look when i go for the ball doesnt mean i dotn love the game, lets play a game and then ill tell u about ur face adn see how u look trying to get the ball , bc last tiem i checked i could play vball better than u whether my face looks weird or not!". but if the person who said it is a better vball player than u refrase the question a bit. and if the person doesnt know a lot about vball and say its liek just a person who is ur neighbor who watched u play and said that then add to ur comeback confusing words that only vball players would know like saying- " well its deosnt really matter how my face looks bc i love volleyball and last tiem i checked u couldnt play ds or libero,hit a 45 mph baLL COMEING AT U,pass it perfectly to the setter, or set a pipe,or a shoot,or and backward set, or an outside set, or middle quick hit, and u also cant hit it fast enough and u cant hit it right to the open spot on the court with all that pressure on u and with 2 or maybe even 3 blockers comign at u. so know u try doing all of that without makeing a few faces!" or soem other confusing stuff works too. Allways remember before a game, its all u, u got this, ur not going to mess up, ur going to win, u practiced and this is the day u show peopel how good u are, dotn kill urslef over missing one ball, be even more determined to kick the other  team's ***! srry its sooo long, but HOPE IT HELPS!!!

  2. I know how you feel this is what happened to me in my first year of volleyball not only that the other volleyball players intimidated me but just give it your all. What I do is  I think someone called me a bad word or someone pissed me off so I acted like they were the ball or someone I hated. Once the other players say this and how I was better they were like dang that girl is good. If  you were never mad before just start telling yourself you're great or awsome in volleyball every morning or night to get your confidence a boost then hit the volleyball harder by swinging faster and then you'll feel even better. Hopes that helps you it helped me

  3. if you want people to think you are more aggressive, then punch someone in the face! it's that simple.

  4. here is what i do when i play v-ball i crouch down so that my hand can touch the ground and move your body back and fourth. also be very big at the net and try your hardest

  5. I have the same problem as you do and I am always going through it. When I finally feel like I've come out of my shell, I have to move on to a new team and start all over again.

      It doesn't matter if you make mistakes, just move on, if you aren't confident with yourself your team mates wont be either.

    be really encouraging on the court. When you make a mistake just get right up and shake it off. When your in serve receive think to yourself "come on serve to me serve to me" and when it does come to you, you will be confident.

    Don't let one mistake or even a few ruin your confidence. I always seem to gain confidence when i make a great pass or hit or whatever. Just relax and be yourself on the court.

    When you do make mistakes don't get too angry at yourself or pretend you don't care just brush it off.

    It is all mental. Physically I am sure you can do it, its your mental state of mind that makes the difference.

    Sorry I kinda repeated myself and ratteled on.

    I hope this help. Good Luck

  6. aggression cant be taught.

    but i suggest trying to call out for the ball and going for it.

  7. Just step out of that shell of yours. Don't worry about it. I don't know if your scared of the ball or not but if you are don't worry about it, it will only sting for a second :), but if not then that makes things a lot easier. Many people are shy in volleyball b/c they are scared of the ball. My suggestion to you is just to think over and over again in your head that you are going to be a ball hog, a ball hog, a ball hog. And then eventually you might just start going for that ball no matter who is in the way. Show people that you love volleyball and that you love to play it. Of course don't be too much of a ball hog, but just go for it!! Hope that helps.

  8. It is all natural with those reactions. Everyone would have to experience it, just some people won't show and some won't talk about it.

    Don't worry too much about how you look like, or whether you could mess up.

    Focus on your games and enjoy your actions. The more games you play, the more confidence you will have in yourself.

    The bottle line is... you love volleyball.

  9. Exercise your muscles to gain more power.

    and when you're a varsity player listen to your coach in doing the proper workouts. And always be attentive during stretching periods and kalistenic exercises.

  10. when i feel like i don't have enough confidence in side myself i think to my self am i mad at anyone right now then i get that person in my mind and i just pretend that the ball is them but u can also lose control sometimes....and if the team your playing against is being a little immature like every time they get a point and brag about it then just think to your self"i just need the confidence in my self and we can beat this team

  11. I know how this feels and it stinks majorly.  I was the most played and then I started doing horrible and then got benched most of the time. I had cruddy serves and I couldn't spike AT ALL.  

    If I were you, I would go home and practice the things you need most improving on.  Then when you are at practice and you really start to get better then your teamates can be like "WOW!".  But no slacking off or else it wont work.  I practiced everyday and now I have a jump serve and pretty good spiking and diving.

    and with the whole facial expression thing, smile a lot more often at practice.  And if anyone gives you c**p say you aren't feeling that well.


    Hope this helps!

  12. just like...concentrate and go to every ball no matter what. and then. um.....try to smile i gues? good luck!

  13. ok ur scared ur gonna mess up cause u wanna impress ppl and always make the play, and thats not always the case.

    just block every1 else out, and make it u and the ball. forget about your team mates they'll do their part if u do yours. now dont worry bout any one, if u mess up who cares, ur the one playing t he sport not the ppl in the stands so they cant say anything like booo that sucked cause they prolly cant even play.

    dont worry bout it every1 makes mistakes that a part of life.

    to be more agrresive when u go to spike or hot pretend ur smakin the face of someone u HATE!! or when u spike it try to hit someone on the other team in the face, that helps me. =]

  14. There is a lot of good information above this.  I would like to stress some of the points.

    Relax.  Do your best and do not worry about anything else.  Breathe deeply and just concentrate on each play.  Do not think about previous mistakes or what you think that people are thinking about you.  You have to think about the ball and not other people or mistakes.

    Call every ball LOUDLY.  

    Encourage other people loudly.  If they make a good play, give them a high five.  If they make a mistake, tell them that they will get the next one.  

    If you do these things and you show intensity at all times on the court, you will do better.

  15. try thinking about how you really want to beat that team and i think it will show in your playing and in your expressions. I just played my volleyball season and other teams really did bad things to us but we still overcame it and beat them :]

  16. heh people tell me that my facial expression never changes when i play no matter what happens. there are times when im not aggressive enough as well but all my coach has to do is yell at me.

    playing time is how i overcame my fear. i learned that "playing safe" does not win games and having a self-defeating attitute just makes it look worse

  17. rawr

  18. think about something that makes you mad! and dont listen to other people about our face  if you have the fire in your heart who cares what your faces looks like! :)

  19. just go out there and give it your best shot.

    and if you mess up get up and say to your self ill get the next one.

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