
How can I be more confident/outgoing/fun in person?

by  |  earlier

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I have to admit, I'm alot funner/"cooler" on the internet than in person, mainly because I'm really self-conscious around people. I don't like hanging out with friends from internet because I'm scared I'll disappoint them when they meet me in real life. I don't want to be limited by that; my self-confidence issues are the only things in the way of making new friends and hanging out with new people.




  1. go out to the real world.. be yourself.. start making friends with people whom you quite know, like your classmates, schoolmates, neighbors, etc. don't be scared... be positive.. don't put yourself down.. try approaching new friends, if they don't like you fine.. we can't please everyone, at least you tried.. you can't boost your confidence by just being left in the corner... have fun..

  2. You are not alone in this.  Everybody has gone through this.  Believe me, I have gone through EXCRUCIATING shyness for a big portion of my life.  I started to get better little by little.  (The things that worked for me may not necessarily work for you, so I shall not go into that unless you ask.)

    To make a long story short...  I now have gotten past that so much that I can now run meetings, give presentations, lead a group of people, and even act in theater.  I can speak with strangers at a grocery store like they are a good friend (and it is genuine!).  It basically starts with the realization that people have so much more in common than is apparent.

    You may contact me through the email in my profile if you want.

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