
How can I be more organised for school?

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At school and before school im very unorganised and I need help.




  1. There's a free program called Studyminder that will help you prep and complete your homework on time; I've seen some students on here that have had a lot of success with it.

    Also, make sure all of your school stuff (book and supply-wise) is kept in one area.  That way, your books, notebooks, assignments, and supplies won't be scattered all over the place, and you'll feel a lot more organized.

    Something that seems kind of simple and old-fashioned, but really does work, is to set out your clothes the night before.  It really does get your day off to an "I can do this" start, and it helps you get going more quickly.

    When you're in class, make sure to write down any important points - announcements, examples in class, assignments, etc.  That way, you don't have to try to remember when you get home - it's all there, in black and white (or whatever color pen you use :) ).

    Also, get your parents involved.  Let them know that you need help or accountability with staying organized and have them help you work out a system.  As parents, that's part of our job - to give our kids the life skills that they'll need, and organization is one of those skills.  Some kids are born organized - they probably color-code their toybox, lol - but many aren't.  It's a learned skill, and those take help sometimes.

    You're on the right track by realizing that this is something that you need to learn.  Just take it in baby steps and build up organizational systems (Studyminder or a planner, specific spaces for everything, routines, parental help, etc.) and pretty soon it will be second nature.  Hope that helps!

  2. use an agenda, calendar.

    WELL, I use a EXPO white board

    annnnnd i write everything that i need to-do, and then erease it. i've been doing this for like 2 years.

    i write what i need to buy, to-do, homework.

    you'll never forget anything again > : )

    ahaha :P

  3. Have you considered using a day planner?

    If you have a lot going on this can be really helpful and they don't have to be expensive.  You can get a decent one for around $20 at any office supply store.

    Use the planner to prioritize and keep track of all the stuff you have going on.

    Just having your todo list written down and handy makes you feel like you are on top of everything.... Plus, every time you check off one of your todo items you feel a little bit of accomplishment.

    I would also recommend the book: 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens.

  4. You can get helpful aids like Studyminder, a small whiteboard, and color-coding your school supplies, but being organized is really all in your head. You need to kick some bad habits and form some new ones. Start thinking in terms of priorities and schedules. Analyze what you did that kept you from getting your work done on time. I used to think, "Man, I just don't have two hours for that." The thing is, the two hours between 4:00 PM and 6:00 PM are going to pass no matter what you're doing. And time flies _fast_. I spent 45 minutes this morning finding MadTV sketches on Youtube, and I don't even remember how I got on there.

    Once you realize that the same amount of time will pass, it's actually empowering rather than morbid. You are in charge of your life, and you will not waste any more hours.

    If you have space on your bookshelf, or could rearrange things to have a spare shelf, devote that space to school supplies. Put your notebooks, binders, folders, and textbooks on that shelf. That way you can access everything.

    Here's the part where it kind of sucks: every Friday night, or Saturday morning, clean out all the papers you don't need. Yeah, on the weekend. It doesn't take long, though. Clear out your folders. Get rid of paper in your binders that you don't need. Add more paper if you need to. Throw out old homework you don't need. If you use mechanical pencils, put some more lead in.

    It takes about half an hour, and it makes school a lot easier.

    Organization basically boils down to keeping to a schedule, and putting things back when you're done with them. When you're done with your homework, put it in your folder right away instead of leaving it on your desk. When you're done using one textbook, put it back on the shelf. When you get home from school, lug your backpack up to your room, or wherever you do your homework, so you can't forget. Keep your backpack open, by your desk, when you're doing your homework; if you do that, then when you're done with your homework for one subject, you can put it neatly in your folder, and put the folder in your bag. Instant packing, no extra work.

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