
How can I be more outgoing and not be socially awkward???

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I want to be the outgoing person in the class!!

i'm SOOO (ESPECIALLY boys!) awkward when talking to people.

my voice sounds like i dont care and i dont wanna talk.

but most people dont know that if a person knows me very well, im verrry outgoing!

but im always afraid of what other people think of me!

or dont think i'm funny!!

some boys are interested in me, but the convo goes so awkward due to me. = [

seems like boys also like outgoing girls better too!!!

but what are some tips getting more outgoing and talking out aloud in class???

and talking to boys???

please DONT say go say hi to them and start a convo!

its kinds wierd if a person says hi out of the blue!!!




  1. yo thats the exact same way but im  a guy lol im shy 2 but all my frriends know im wierd and talk loud and sing songs out of the blue. but when  other ppl try to talk to me they think like im in a bad mood and shitlol i need to become less shy

  2. Just have fun and don't care what other people think

  3. You don't want to be the complete opposite of shy.

    A mix of both is perfect. Don't try too hard to be funny and over-confident and stuff, or annoying.

  4. You're asking the right person here! For me, it's easy to make friends and be fun and loud, but that's who I am, and I do know that it's hard for other people.

    For me it's really fun to walk in on the first day of school and see everyone in my classes. I assume that's fun for everyone cause you'll be spending the rest of the year with these people! Does the first day of school make you excited? Channel that energy into being friendly! When you do that, it's so easy to go up to that boy and say "Wow, I'm so glad we have Mr. Anderson this year!" or sit down at a table of girls you've never talked to and ask "Hey, is anyone here in the same level of Spanish as me?" Once you get a conversation going, you'll figure out that it's easy to be yourself! It's definately hard for some people to lose the nerves, but that's how you made the friends you already have, right?

    Find an energetic day and use it to your advantage! The next day, you'll already be friends with them, so no worries!

    I hope I helped you! Good luck with everything!

    ♥Long Live Jonas♥

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