
How can I be nicer to people?

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I go to a private boys school. Someone recently said to me that I "don't have a very likable personality." How can I be nicer to people? Sometimes I feel like killing people, not seriously of course.




  1. Sorry probably cant change your personality.  Best thing to do, embrace it, become your true self and then people will like or hate you based on your real personality, not some fake persona you put on, IMHO it is better that way.  

  2. If you have friends and they like you for yourself then **** whoever else, thats my thought process at least. Often people who say other people hate you are jealous or have a friend that likes you and doesn't want to lose them.

  3. Love yourself first then show people with respect and you will earn the respect.

  4. An intelligent lady once said to me "Most of what people say to you has got more to do with them, than it has ever really got to do with you"!

      So whoever said that to you, you should probably be more worried about them, than yourself! :)

      If you really wanted the answer 'to be nicer': Well, be kind to people! Thats all the world really needs. Nothing extreme - just a little bit of kindness in every interaction.

  5. Always remember to smile. That gives a good impression on people. When u smile, make sure that it's not fake. Fake smiles are when your eyes dont smile along.

  6. Maybe smile a lot and be very complimentary to people you come into contact with. In addition, try to display a happy attitude in social and nonsocial situations.

    Thank you for asking.

  7. well at this point you could go over board!  ensure to put someone else prior to you!

    meaning if someone needs something then just jump in and do it while asking if they mind if you help...

    complement their actions and personality

    laugh and smile a  lot!

    good luck

  8. Something I've found out is that doing little kind anonymous deeds for others helps me have a better attitude overall.

    Little things like when I was living in an apartment and watered my grouchy neighbour's flower pots she had on her front door, when she went on a holiday. She never thanked me, of course, she may have not even realized that her plants would have died without water for a month...

    Or when I go to a park and see some broken glass botte pieces scattered around, where someone could trip and get badly cut ---- I just pic them up and put it all on the bin, or at least in a corner.

    People like kindness, good manners and a non-complaining attitude.

  9. when you are away from school try not to be too upperty what more can we all say to you

  10. not getting angry with people!

  11. Pray that your attitude will change.

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