
How can I be smart for High school?

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I want to be super smart. I want to be prepared for high school. So what can I do in primary school that can make me smarter?

any tips or suggestions?




  1. read, watch news, and listen

  2. I Would Suggest That you Would Go To With Any Of You Troubles. Read Books About Friendship So you Are  Extra Prepared. High School Is Tough So Be Ready  

  3. The best way you can prepare for high school is to become a good student.  That sounds simple, but what I mean is, become really good at things that an excellent student does.  First, when an assignment is given, do it as soon as you can.  Don't put it off.  That way, if you have questions or you think you misunderstood it, you still have time to ask questions.  And do all of your assignments to the best of your ability, particularly writing assignments.  Second, keep yourself organized.  Always write down assignments and due dates in the same place each time (like a student planner) and never be caught unawares when an assignment is due.  Last, when you are in the classroom, never forget that you're there as a student, not a goof-off, or a best friend, or anything else.  You can be that in the hallway between classes.  Come prepared, take notes, ask questions, and make sure you understand what the teacher is talking about.  If you do all these things, you'll be surprised at the high grades you will receive.  And you'll be training yourself for success at the high school level.

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