
How can I be sure I don't win this auction?

by  |  earlier

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I bided on something that I cannot afford on eBay. I already retracted one bid. I really can't do it again. It only has 4 days left to bid. How can I be sure that somebody outbids me? This is kind of an emergency.




  1. Sorry dude.  No way you can be sure.

  2. are you sure you cant retract it again?  That's really the only way you can be sure you don't win it.

    I feel your pain, it's happened to me.  Good luck.

  3. Don't worry about it..

  4. There is nothing more you can do at this point but hope and pray that someone outbids you.

  5. why can't you retract the bid? contact the seller and explain to them if no one outbids you. then the person before you can get the product.

  6. get a friend to bid on it. tell him tht u will pay him bak later. wen u hav the money

  7. hmmm find someone who really wants it or really needs it

  8. There is really nothing you can do except hope someone bids higher unless you want to retract another bid which ebay frowns on and could close your account if it happens too often.

  9. just try to retract it again or try to contact the seller and see if he will cancel your bid.

  10. All you can do is hope that they outbid you. There isn't a way to be sure that someone else will outbid you.

  11. Check to see if you can and don't bid if you can't pay! As an Ebay seller I think this is ridiculous! You can write the seller if you do win and tell them you have had a problem and can't pay-they can offer a second chance offer to their other bidder then-but you can't do that till the auction is over-just see if you can retract and also lower your highest bid amount too or wait it out.

  12. well, my best idea is to retract the bid, but you cant in your situation. maybe if you end up winning it sell it again.

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