
How can I be sure to give my 2 year old all the attention he deserves once our 2nd baby is born?

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I feel bad that when I have our 2nd baby boy in October that he is going to take up a lot of my time with breastfeeding for a while and so my toddler won't get as much attention from me. My hubby is gone from 1pm-after midnight mostly 6 days a week so he is away for most of the time. I want our toddler to be able to be involved with the baby as he possibly can at such a young age and I still want to have some energy left to have fun with him and let him know he's not loved any less!




  1. My daughter was 2 when i had my son. Even at the hospital I made sure she didn't feel left out. My husband held our son up to her (where she thought she was holding him) and kept telling her she was the best big sister. When we got home I just had her there with me and her brother and talked to her about her brother and just made sure she was always apart of it all and never felt left behind. ( She was still too young to really "help" with him) but as she got bigger and understood more, i would say, "you want to feed baby" and put her safely on the couch with her little brother and actually let her hold the bottle and start helping and she loved it. She is almost 4 now and him 2 and she still loves helping him and when she has something she will tell me "Brother wants some" lol. I know a wrote a long story here but, my whole point was keep the first one involved from the beginning and everything should be fine. ( I know you are worried, the minute i found out i was preggo with the 2nd i was thinking oh no, what about my daughter, and felt bad for her the whole time) but, it will all work of luck:)  

  2. As dumb as this may will all work out.

    I remember feeling the same way when I was pregnant with my daughter and it all eventually worked it self out. You definitely have plenty of love to go around!

  3. I had the same worries. It works out okay though. Just make sure your 2 yr. old is involved in everything. Let him help you get diapers, and throw old ones away, hold the baby, and tell him how proud you are of him. My son loves his little brother, and is so proud of himself for being the "BIG" kid!

  4. My son turned 2 last august and i gave birth to our second boy that october.  I felt bad at first when we brought the baby home,  I would cry when I saw my oldest child because I felt guilty.  After my hormones settled down it got better.  When my baby was asleep I would play with my older child.  You can't really do much but give them the most attention when you are able to.  Sometimes you get so caught up in feeding, changing, etc. that you can't help it because you are the only one that is trying to do it all.  When you get to the point that your baby takes 2 naps(morn. and afternoon nap),  I stayed awake and played with the oldest during the baby's morning nap and we all took a nap whenever the baby took his afternoon nap.  These are just things I did,  I know it's hard but you'll get through it and your son will love you for giving him a brother to play with....eventually

  5. I am in the same position,can't wait to hear the answers

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