
How can I be vegatarian?

by Guest65673  |  earlier

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Okay, i want to be vegatarian mainly for the weight loses, but my mom says that if i want to even think about being vegatarian, then i have to get some ideas on how to get the same nutritional value without meat. Anyone have any good websites or ideas?




  1. YES!


  3. if you become a vegetarian you should see a dietitian to discuss what you should do

    you can get most of the same nutritional values from a taking B-vitamins (there are lost of different kinds)

    there are different kinds of vegetarians and remember its not like youre becoming a vegan

    you just have to make sure you get the protein and B-vitamins

    check this website out:

  4. Read "How to become a veggie!" at especially:

    For a starter, some of my favorite books are Becoming Vegetarian ( and  Becoming Vegan ( for nutrition information.

  5. Just make sure that your taking daily vitamins. I reccomend having beans in atleast 1 meal a day atleast 3-4 times a week. beans, rice, grains, nuts, seeds, and wheat also has protein in them.

  6. tofu and veggies give you the same nutrients

    you don't need to see a doctor to make this dietary change...

  7. In general vegetarian (but not vegan) diets tend to be healthier than omnivorous ones.  There are many protein sources other than meat, including tofu, other soy products, almonds, chickpeas, wheat gluten, etc. and even the smallest amounts of eggs or milk will give you the B vitamins you need.

    Most importantly, make sure you eat lots of different things; this will ensure that the nutritional benefits overlap, making a wholesome diet.

  8. tofu

  9. HOW I BECAME A VEGETARIANS- learned how mcdonalds kills cows and workers, how they process and kill cows, how many are killled , mad cow disease, how any cows they kill, how manycows people eat and ya, pigs too! and being that i love cows an pigs it was easy good luck!


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