
How can I beat my depression?

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About a year ago I started having health issues and was going to the doctor/ER a lot and now I have a massive amount of bills stacked up. I'm 22 and live alone so I was already just barely making it. With all of these new bills coming in I've had to get a second job just to be able to afford everything and even then it's still just barely. I feel like all I do is work and I get nowhere. Even if I needed to get away from everything for a while, I can't. I don't have any friends in my area and the family that is near me are so involved in their own lives that they don't have time spend with me. I just feel like I'm starting to lose my mind doing nothing but wake up at 5:30am to go to my first job and then not get home until 9:30pm from my second one. I'm just worried about my depression because I do have a history and used to be on medication. Last year I became suicidal but thankfully had somebody there to help me through it. I haven't been on any medication since then and thought I had been stabilizing. I just don't really know what I can do for myself right now and I don't want to have to go back on any medication. I feel like every day is a hopeless struggle and it pisses me off even more because I have to do it alone. It would be so much more bearable if I had somebody to listen to me once in a while or somebody who could offer advice and just be there for me. I guess my question is, what can I do to overcome all of this without having to get back on medication? I would welcome ANY advice, whether it be about depression, how to get help with my bills, how to make friends... anything. I just need help.




  1. I was feeling pretty much the same some time ago. I stopped taking prescribed medication and switched to Dr. Bach remedies made of flowers and herbs. You can`t get addicted to them and they do help to change one`s state of mind and attitude to life. Of course it doesn`t happen in one day, I took them daily and had significant improvements after about 6 weeks.

    Right now I only use the Rescue Remedy Drops whenever a stressful situation occurs or whenever I feel I can`t cope with a situation. They help me to calm down and see things clearer and handle the situation with more energy and a better state of mind.

    Check out this link:

  2. I can help you with your problem.It is up to you if you will accept it.

    Depression is caused by the lack of serotonin in your brain which is caused by the lack of omega 3 fatty acids in your brain.A deficiency that most of the humans on this planet have.

    Start the omega 3 diet.I have researched omega 3 acids for 2 years and performed a very successful experiment on myself and few of my volunteer friends.Few months of the omega 3 diet i cured my stress[and/or depression] problems permanently and significantly raised my intelligence,improved memory,sight,reflexes[and many other known and unknown benefits]and without any drugs or supplements in the form of pills.

    Take two table spoons of grinded flaxseed[rich with omega 3 and cheap]a day[with a glass of water] and in a few months you will start to notice significant improvement in your mental health[you will become more psychologically stable,among other things].Use a coffee grinder.Whole seeds cannot be digested by the hydrochloric acid in our stomach only grinded seeds.A fact and not a assumption.You have nothing to loose only gain by it.There are many articles on the internet about the omega 3.2 years ago before i started the diet i did not feel so stable or happy how i feel today.

    Flax is the best source of ALA omega 3 fatty acid which our body converts to more important fatty acids called DHA and EPA.For the efficient conversion to take place,foods containing a large amount of the following nutrients must be consumed along with the flaxseed:C,B3,B6 [vitamins],zink and Magnesium [minerals].I recommend 3 table spoons of flax with 100 grams[or more if to your liking] of almonds and/or 250g of green peas,1 kiwi every day.[do not take more then 3 table spoons of flax because large amounts can cause intestinal gases which can cause abdominal pain and/or constipation.If three spoons causes abdominal discomfort lower the dosage to 2 table spoons of grinded flax and elevate it to 3 table spoons after your body adapts to high fiber content].The flaxseed itself is not important.The omega 3 that are inside them are.

    The information in the following link should provide you with the nutritional facts of most if not all known fruits and


    This diet will save your money and improve your every bodily function and it does not have harmful side effects if taken in recommended amounts.Too much of anything can kill you.

    It changed my life and i am certain it will change yours.

  3. Hi, the early 20s can be a tough adjustment for anyone.  The institution of school isn't there anymore to provide the structure you once had.

    I have struggled a lot with depression on and off in my life.  I have never tried medication.  I have somehow managed to work through it and have had decent success in my professional career.

    Working 2 jobs definitely makes time for anything else difficult.  Can you find a way to cut back on the spending?  If you can get a handle on the spending and cut out unnecessary expenditures (most people can if they just look at their situation), it will give you a sense of control that you don't have right now.  You are young, so 2 jobs is OK for a while to get through some short-term bills like those doctor bills you mentioned, but it is not a long-term solution for your mental health.  40-50 hours of work a week is enough.  Balance is required in life.

    Watch the diet.  Try to cut down/out sweets and processed foods if you can.  Eating healthier will help your body eliminate toxins and give you more energy.  Fresh fruits and vegetables and high-quality protein.  Drink lots of water.  Avoid too much caffeine if it makes you anxious.

    If you don't exercise, you need to find a way to get some exercise and, if possible, sunshine and fresh air.  It could really help release the endorphins to give you energy and a brighter outlook.  Try hiking, biking, situps and pushups at home, or just walking briskly around the neighborhood to start.  If you live in a cold climate, try cold-weather sports in the winter (skiing, skating).  You don't need to go to a gym necessarily if you are self-conscious about your appearance or just don't like the "gym scene".

    A lot of employers have Employee Assistance Programs that are confidential.  Talking out your issues with a counselor/therapist is probably more productive than medication.

    As far as friends go, maybe try to reconnect with old friends from high school, or organize an informal gathering of co-workers somewhere.  You may need to take the initiative on this one, but it might just pay off with a support group.

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