
How can I beat up people that are bigger then me. What techniques should I use?

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How can I beat up people that are bigger then me. What techniques should I use?




  1. Pay someone bigger to help you or how about this dont FIGHT !

  2. Ever hear the term: "CRIMINAL ASSAULT"?

    You don't even want to THINK about what the "bigger guys" will do to you once you are in prison or reform school!


  3. If you have taken Martial Arts lessons, than ask your instructor if he has a sparring program that helps you defend and attack other people (with pads on, but don't kill them) I am a black belt too. Learn the basics first, then keep on going. Buy a punching bag and practice on it, then you should be able to. But just to tell you, Martial Arts is for defending yourself instead of attacking. Hope this Helps.

  4. you shouldnt use martial arts unless its to protect yourself or somone else. but learning preasure point attacks and throws are very useful to taller people.

    i am very tall and i know when ispar people in class(we do full contact pretty muhc no rules sparring) that is how most of the shorter poeple have their advantage.

  5. Jiu-jitsu is based on technique, leverage, and positioning. There, you have your answer.

  6. Use leverage, dont fight power with power. Use their strength and momentum against them. Judo techniques can be applied effectively if you do this. Attack their vulnerable areas- eg. groin, eyes, nose.

  7. i agree the judo chop is very affective in any situation use it often an if that does not work your screwed.

  8. Hola! K, I do taekwondo and being a girl and pretty short means that I have to have some wicked techniques when we spar. (Be aware however that when we spar we have safety equipment on.) Basically when you feel confident or know you can overpower your opponent, I would suprise them and rush them and start a flurry.Plus spinning kicks scare people like, um... spiders? Anyway... But if you are worried about facing your opponent, remember to keep up you guard and use "stategic retreats". Eventually your opponent will get tired and stop paying attention. I just come in a pop a quick kick then step out of their range. Since you are smaller you are FASTER! Plus when people are larger than you you can be an inside fighter 'cause people with long legs have this "dead zone" that is the perfect place to kick them but it is too close for their feet and too far for their hands. Using these techniques I've managed to keep 6 foot tall guys scared of me.... (P.S. stretching every day means you can kick tall people in the head.)

  9. Martial arts is ment for self defense not the purpose of beating up people when need be.  Its never a good thing to start something that you dont understand the other guy could be packing.  Leave that at home it will get you killed.

  10. First figure out why you want to beat someone up in the first place.  In most cases the people that make you mad aren't worth the time or energy required to fight them.  And I'm sure neither one of you wish to wind up in jail.  

    So the first thing to do is figure out if they are worth the effort...  And I should note you should only fight if you are left with no other option.  Life is about choices, make some and make sure they are good ones that benefit you.

    Second there is no magic to martial arts training.  Yes a well focused mind can employ a simple lesson with great diligence but after that one lesson is applied what then?  You need many tools and resources to tap into during a physical confrontation not simply one trick to trip, hit, kick, throw or take someone down.  What happens if they retaliate???

    You may end up simply ticking them off badly and wind up taking a substantially sounder beating than you would have if you simply would have told them they were pissing you off and you are fed up with it.  

    Use the most powerful weapon you master today, your mind.  Before trying to learn to use your hands and feet.

    Good luck.  I wish you well.


  11. judo chop

  12. look at onkline or in dojo wing chun bjj aikido or just get either madd fast with hands or run away    .......or u can get big

  13. Run out and play on the highway.

  14. Well first of all fighting for real is not a good idea and no true Sensei will teach you if that is your motive and goal.

    Now if you are just joining a MA school to learn to protect yourself and never use it aggressively but defensively than their are MANY techniques any good qualified Sensei could teach you.

    Find the right teacher and motivation  good luck.

    You just cannot teach some one online it is not that simple sorry.

  15. First technique would be smash yourself in the face with a board. Then, realize martial arts are not about beating people up. grow up first.

  16. I agree with Blasphem that Martial Arts weren't designed for going out to beat people up. However if a person, who is bigger than you, attacks you. You need to know how to defend yourself. If by bigger you mean they are heavier than you, then your best bet is to keep moving and annoy them with little punches until they get tired and make a mistake. If by bigger you mean stronger and taller, then your best bet is to try to talk your way out of it and/or run away.

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