
How can I become a better Libero?

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Sometimes the volleyball is just too fast for me to react, especially when it isa bunch of feet in front of me, or to the side. I want to be able to dig balls everywhere.




  1. I agree with gordonmorrison that the big thing is PRACTICE

    every opportunity you get during training and warm ups focus on defense and learning to read players and the game.

    You only watch the ball to see where it's going, then you watch the player to see what they're going to do with it, and to what tempo.

    This'll be hard to explain in words alone, but here goes... you need to 'release your hips' ... when the ball is being contacted, you make a downwards dip, releasing from your hips ready to make a movement towards the ball... this needs to be an instantaneous, fluid movement so takes some practice but will gain you valuable seconds when you get it right ;)

    Outside of volleyball, there's also things that will help to improve your reflexes, stamina and focus your energy .. like skipping, plyometrics; playing other sports like basketball, tennis, kickboxing and playing goal in football can be very like defensive volleyball!

    But the thing that will make the difference between you being a good passer/defensive player and actually a libero, is ATTITUDE ... you need mental toughness that the team know the can rely on, and of course great team spirit.

    You have to believe you can reach every ball, start in practice by just trying to touch the balls you currently think are impossible .. you'll surprise yourself i guarantee it!


  2. practice sprawls! they're fun! =D

  3. i agree with everyone about practicing.

    it also helps to look at what the hitter is doing. check to see if she is rearing back to slam the ball hard or just doing a roll shot.  look at which direction her shoulders are facing to get a better idea of which side of you the ball will be headed towards(like if shes hitting line or cross court)  dont watch the ball from the setters hand all the way until the hitter hits it, once you see who will be hitting watch that girl and try to anticipate where and how she will spike it. and always be confident and aggressive, as libero you get everything you possibly can. stay as low as possible its easier to get the ones way in front of you if all u have to do is shoot forward instead of going down AND forward.  practice pancaking where you flatten ur hand on the floor palm down under the ball.  when its too low to get to by just passing it throw your hand under it and see if you can save it.  dont be afraid to be a ball hog, its your job!!

  4. I hate to tell you to just practice, but that is really what you need.

    During the hitting drills, get in the back row and dig.  It is very tough to do without the blockers.  

    During the blocking drills, get in the back row and dig.  Reading the block is really the best way to be a better Libero.  If you get to the right place before the ball, it is easier to dig.  That is also why your blockers need to block correctly.  If they drift into position, you will not dig very many shots.  You will always be out of position.  

    See if you can get the hardest hitter you know hit at you.  And I mean at you.  You want to work on getting your reaction time better.

  5. If The ball is near the ten footline it's not yours anyway, but you should practice correct for of passing (left, right, push), and the right platform.Also when ever your at open gym stay in the back row for hitting lines to practice digging and sprawling.

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