
How can I become a better setter?

by Guest60620  |  earlier

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I am going to be a freshmen and tryouts are on Monday; I am one of the few people that did NOT play club volleyball so I'm not as skilled. I want to be a setter, but everyone else is better at it than me. Is there any way I can practice or techniques I could use to get better at setting the ball???




  1. the best way to get better is lots and lots of practice. grab a ball and set to yourself, set against a wall, etc. just practice ball control with setting. set, baby sets. set one, high, one low. set 3 low, one high, touch the ground, repeat, etc. or grap a partner and set with a partner. some drill you can do are just setting back and forth, set to yourself, set to partner, set to yourself, do a 180, backset to your partner, set to yourself, tocuh the ground, backset to your partner, etc.  hope this helps! and good luck! =]

  2. i'm new at volleyball too. i did the camp though and they put me as a middle. the best wya to get better is to practice. try practicing with someone who is a good setter so you can challenge yourself to get as good as them. what they taught at my camp is to put your hands right in front of your forehead in the shape of a ball and push up.

  3. Practice without a ball and act like your setting and work on your foot work when ever you can. And if you have a ball practice a against a wall. When you set have your hands in front of your forehead in a loose triangle, practice pushing out & finishing flat. Also practice stepping Left, Right,Bending your knees & having your right foot facing the antena.And practice getting your hands up quick............I hope this helps you!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. mate your best of watching tutorial videos on youtube or something to learn the propper teqniques if you dont already know. just remember always keep your hands infront of your face and body in line. try doing slow sets for a while by catching the ball momentarily, being observant of your body possitioning and teqnique, then releasing. you will soon realise that when you correct those problems during the pause you will have a much better set. after a while this will become automotive. if your having trouble with meeting the antenna a setting ball will help out, its a heavier volleyball that is hard on the figers and makes you really push. settings a difficult possition to start at late as the experienced hitters rely on skill, but mayb play opposite for a while if your a decent hitter and backcourt set. that will give you practise and still have you valuable to the team

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