
How can I become a good debater??

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I want to join the debate team at school, but I'v never done anything like that before. There are no other girls so its kinda scary but its also makes me wanna join more. I really wanna show the boys that I can be just as good but its hard since thier smart and have lots of practice, so I would love not to make a huge fool of myself. I just wanna know if this is realistic? Is debate something you can learn or do ou have to have a knack for it, well if not then whats the best way to get good fast? :)




  1. Just disagree with people and make it so you HAVE to be right even when you're not.

  2. If I were in your place, I would get a book on logic.  In it, I would study syllogisms.  I would find on-line tests to measure my sense of the strength of each form and my ability to recognize false ones..

    We all know that if A is greater than B, and B is greater than C, then A must be inescapably be greater than C.  If doing drugs '"can" get you in trouble with the law, and if Tom does drugs, is it inescapably true that Tom will get in trouble with the law?  No, of course not, but in argument, few will spot the failure of the syllogism.  In this proof A "may" be greater than B, and B is greater than C.  The proves only that A "may" be greater than C, not that it is.

    Almost all good rhetoric containes syllogistic rreasoning, evident or concealed, honest or deceptive.

    This stuff can be fun, and will become very refined and sophisticated..

  3. NO!<<<Deabate that n ull have ur anwser lol

  4. I think it's realistic. Do plenty of research for both sides of the argument at hand. If you take the pro side, you have to know what the arguments on the con side will be so that you can counter their points.  

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