
How can I become a more enviromental-friendly person?

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I want to go green, but I need help getting started.




  1. You can start small and build. It's not an easy process. But I decided that I would work on changing something in my home each week. The first thing I did was convert my house cleaning products to a eco-friendlier line of products. If you have kids that is a great place to start. Next I changed the product my family used ie, toothpaste, plastic cups, soap, etc...

  2. there are plenty of things you can do:

    don't leave the water running when you brush your teeth

    hand wash dishes: soap them up then rinse, don't let the water run.

    turn off the lights when your done in a room

    use economy lights to conserve on energy

    recycle your plastic bottles, and tin cans

    use paper bags, and not plastic

    get rid of your gas guzzling car, and get a hybrid or electric car when they come out more.

    use environmentally friendly products like environmentally friendly detergents (there should be a label on it)

    you get the idea.........

  3. well first of all do you drink pop? throw your pop cans in the recyciling. another thing do you love polar bears ?? i do i LOVE polar bears. the polar bears are going to be gone soon if we all dont go GREEN! remember: turn off all the lights when you leave a room. if your not in that room the lights will be off, right?? hahh. but please save my friends [polar bears], and go GREEN!!! just do these tips and every day you will be doing something good!! you will be giving back. and you will be making a difference. just start with these and then you can go green even more!!

    hope i helped and good luck going green!



  5. Hi Sarah Bear,

    Can you email me at I have a bunch of info I can share with you. Too much for on here. I tried to send you a private email but you have it set to not allow. Get back to me ASAP.


  6. Start with the little things:

    -Recycle all you can and get your friends/ family to do the same.

    -Use a clothes line instead of the dryer.

    -Hand wash the dishes instead of using the dish-washer.

    -Turn off the lights when you leave a room.

    -Walk or bike as much as you can instead of driving.

    -Use re-usable bags instead of plastics bags.

    -Use your own mug instead of taking a new Styrofoam cup every time.

    -Turn down the heat by 2C in the Winter and 2C more when you're not home or at night.

    -Use a fan instead of A/C if you can.

    I think these are pretty basic things that are fairly easy to do and don't cost you anything. If anything, you'll end up saving money.

    Hope it helps!


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