
How can I become a movie director?

by Guest33324  |  earlier

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and film school is not an option. what proper steps can I take to pursuit my dream since this is what I truly want to do but my University doesn't offer that as a major and I'm already well into my major (TV Production) to switch to another University. I'm a member of a film club they have on campus but they don't seem to do much, I mean, there's this kid who has all this equipment but he doesn't seem to eager to help me out. what can I do in this situation?




  1. Move  to NYC or LA....start putting your stuff out there and wait to get recognized....

    You also gotta get out there and meet people (stars) and get connected..GOTTA HAVE AN 'IN'.....

    If it is meant to be...and you are passionate..and you persue your will happen...HUGS!!

  2. why isn't film school an option?

    let me explain how it works

    ANYONE can be a director


    you have to convince a producer to give you money to direct your film

    a producer isn't going to lend money to someone

    who hasn't been to film school

    or has in some other way proven themself,

    you do that by privately funding a movie that becomes wildly successful (such as at cannes or sundance)

    and that's about it.....

    if you seriously want to become a director

    film school is going to have to BECOME an option

    or it really isn't likely to happen

  3. Look, stay with the TV production at your school because what you're learning there you will use later on in your film career. To get anywhere in the business you will have to start working in the actual business so try to get a job as a set hand. This will suck but its the only way you will learn first hand what it's like to be on the set. As a hand you will get to work in just about all the departments needed to film something and this will help you figure out if 1. you really want to do this for a living and 2. what department will become your specialty. It will take you years to become anyone important so make sure you have another job. If you don't already, make sure you have your driver's license because you will most likely have to drive and they don't like to hire those who can't. You might also want to move to New York, Los Angeles, or Toronto because these are the major production markets. Good Luck and hope I helped.

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