
How can I become a stronger as a Christian?

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I pray every day(Anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours)

I read the Bible every day.

I tithe.

Though it just doesn't feel like I've been growning as a fast I used to.

I goto a youth group

I goto 2 diffrent christian clubs at school.

I discuss God and other religious stuff with my friends.




  1. you can't sorry buddy christians are weak minded and dependent by nature.

  2. I too (as well as all of us) could grow stronger in our walk with God. I'm really not sure what to tell you, b/c i don't know how you live your life, but ask God and lead you in all directions. The best place to start (in my opinion) is repent and start fresh and separate yourself (as well as you can) from sin. if you listen to music that has cussing, sexual remarks etc. listen to Christian music, if your same with tv, watch something more appropriate. I hope this helps some. God Bless

  3. Put some dumbells on the cross next time you lift it. Shouldn't be hard to find them.

  4. The focus has to be trusting God. All those things you've done are good, but trust God first with a promise. Get into the 'why' of it all.

    Psalm 37

    3 Trust in the LORD and do good;

           dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture.

    4 Delight yourself in the LORD

           and he will give you the desires of your heart.

    5 Commit your way to the LORD;

           trust in him and he will do this:

    6 He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn,

           the justice of your cause like the noonday sun.

    You already know that God is trustworthy. So let your focus be on Him. Pick a promise from God's word and make it something that you remember whenever you can throughout the day.

  5. start lifting weights with your christian buddies, that will build strong Christians.  I think mine is the answer you were looking for.

    -Fellow Christian.

  6. here's a tip: if you want to have a strong relationship with God, have strong relationships with people. go forth and love!!! all the rest will take care of itself.

  7. be patient. god will help you if you ask him to. I just learned how to depend on god, and bring my troubles to him. He will take care of you. Its good that you are doing all of these things to have a close relationship with god. Make sure that you are doing things that a REAL Christian would do.... like helping out  an old person  by holding the door for them or encouraging people to come to know Jesus and accept him as their savior. all of these things will make you a stronger Christian and make god proud.

  8. You're off to a good start with the things you are already doing.  I don't know how involved your youth group or Christian clubs are with service projects but I'd suggest that you get more involved in those activities.  As Christians, we are to be servants of the Lord not just students of the Word.  We reach a point in our Christian walks where we must be releasing the things we are taking in (the Bible, prayer, fellowship).  We can release these things through service in various avenues - volunteering for organizations that provide food or shelter for the needy or working on things like Habitat for Humanity or going on a mission trip.  You might want to speak with your Pastor or Youth Director about the possibility of teaching in the Children's Church or Sunday School for the younger children or anything that will give you the opportunity to serve others.  You may be surprised at how much you will grow by serving others.  Remember, Jesus said to be great in God's kingdom, learn to be the servant of all.

  9. Your relationship with God is personal. You need to learn to hear Him in prayer. Spend time alone with Him by reading the Bible and praying before you read. Being around other Christians is good but quiet time with Him is important. Starting a Bible study is also a good way to grow too because you are accountable to have your lesson and study ready each week because the others in the group are depending on you, not to mention God.  

  10. just live the Gospels of Jesus that is all that Jesus ever asked of you

    and then you got a be a Catholic because that his Church BTW

  11. Try helping people who are trying to do good works in the ministry.  Feel free to contact me.

  12. God says you have to follow ten rules. If you don't then you will burn in a hot fire underground where people are screaming from torture and pain for ever and ever for all eternity, but he loves you and he wants your money.

  13. Maybe you just haven't been doing what you should be doing. You seem very committed which is admirable but who really should be asking is Jesus. If your relationship with Jesus is where it needs to be you won't even need to ask this question. What did Jesus do? He evangelized, he helped the poor, he gave sight to the blind, he fed the hungry, he never did it alone, he always had God. I think it would help if you volunteered somewhere and maybe get your whole youth group involved.

  14. You Should Try To Become A Stronger Person, Instead.

  15. he will work evrything out for you and answer your prayer you will get them answered when you need it most good luck

  16. Apparently by asking the same question over and over again.


  17. Two words for you, kid: level grinding.

    Within a few months you can easily reach lvl 10 as a sheep...oops, i mean, monk!

  18. Drop out of school and don't use logic whatsoever.  Don't you know that logic is an enemy of faith?  There is a church bulletin circulating the internet that actually espouses that.

  19. When I was a little kid, I complained to my mom that I just wasn't growing. I never seemed to get any bigger. She took me to the kitchen counter- which I couldn't see over- and told me that someday I would be able to see over that counter, and then I would know that I really was growing after all. I went back every day for weeks and measured myself against that counter top, and still couldn't see over it. Finally I forgot it. Then one day- I don't know how much later- I went in the kitchen and reached for some cookies on the counter, and realized I could see over it just fine. I really WAS growing! And the point of this parable is that it will be the same for you. One day you will realize that you are looking down to see  things of God that at one time were above your head. Keep watering the seed, and trust Him for the increase! God bless you.

    **Thanks, Chantal G.

  20. Learn the difference between religiousity and Christianity - learn to think for  yourself and not have others within or outside of the church tell you what you are permitted to believe.  Your relationship is between you and God -between the two of you you decide what you will believe - no one else.  

    Do not overdo the 'Christian socialisation'.  If you trully want to be a strong Christian have the gutts to associate with the general populace, but of course not if they are boozing excessively, doing drugs etc - and demonstrate yourself as living a Christian life. Please note this does not mean that you run around telling everyone you meet who is not a Christian that you are one, or asking people if they are saved.

  21. Helen hit the nail on the head:  serve others.

    What do those youth groups and Christian clubs do for mankind?   There is something about serving others that just makes the spirit feel good and makes us thankful.

    I went out with a church youth group where we went around the neighborhood asking what we could do to be of service to them.  We did everything from mow lawns, take out trash, wash windows, to shoveling a dog pen.

    Okay, the dog pen was not totally uplifting.  

  22. Stop trying to be religious and simply follow Jesus. Praying is good but make sure you sit back and listen sometimes... don't just blab away. Reading the Bible is great as well. Read the book of John to learn more about Jesus. I would also recommend the book Vintage Jesus by Mark Driscoll. Literature about Christ has always given me a desire to grow in my walk. As a matter of fact, I think I'm going to get off here and read something. Stay strong brother.

  23. The less of the world you have in you, the stronger the Christian you will be. That includes your relationship with sin, which you should be trying to flee. Keep praying, reading the word, and worshiping God, and witnessing when you get the chance.

  24. stop working to believe and start believing the works. All the things you have listed are good things, but they are 'works'.  A relationship with God is attainable by faith.  For instance, prayer--it is not just repetition of a bunch of words, it is talking to God as a friend. Sometimes I pen/write my prayer to God.  Reading the Bibe is hearing your Friend speak to you. Learn to make Christ real in every aspect of your being keep Him close and you'll find joy in serving the Lord.  BTW obedience is the only prove that we love God.

  25. Lift weights, kid, lift weights.

  26. Hi friend.  I hope to save you some of the agony I have had to endure by giving you a simple rule of faith for growing strong in the Lord:  imitate Jesus' prayer life.  The Son of God found it necessary to pray through the night season, and also rise early to commune with His heavenly Father.  We are so weak as Christians much of the time because we don't pray as we should.  If we really understood how much we needed God's power, Spirit and presence in our lives to live for Him, we would need to wear knee pads all the time!  Steer clear of temptation and walk humbly with your God.  God bless and I love you and am praying for you.

  27. The hard part is serving. Knocking on doors to invite people to church going to the nursing homes and reading to the elderly that can't see to read anymore, working to help those in need and witnessing everywhere you go but it will help you grow and be a stronger Christian.

  28. go to church every sunday, become a server, do anything that will help your church out.

  29. Love as much as you can.  Fill yourself with love when you pray.  Direct that love toward God, and then go out and do tangible things which express that love.  It is both extremely difficult and amazingly easy.

    You might also be experiencing a state of mind that some mystic nuns of the middle ages described going through--a sort of despair that they could not get close enough to God.  So what you are feeling is not unknown.

    PS:  Dame gave you an excellent answer.  So did Amalthea.

  30. This is a really good thing, cause God strives for us to have a relationship. First I would share, God is such a great gift, take every opportunity to share him with others, it gives you a chance to get excited for him, and it will benefit that person's life. Second, study the scriptures, it gives a lot of wisdom, hope, and it empowers you. When you are reading it gives God a special window, to reach out to you on a personal level. Third, I would get out in nature, it really awes me to think everything single living thing around, has been made by God to live and function in harmony. I hope this helps you, remember your walk with God is a journey, there will be hard times, but God gives strength to endure all

  31. you need to practice being a Christian...reading the bible, giving money, joining organizations is simply going through the motions. God wants you to practice Christianity by going out and helping others less fortunate than of your time and talent.  Reach out and be nice to your enemies.  Do what is difficult...Jesus did and that is what you should do.

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