
How can I become an actress/singer ?

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I live in GA .

I am 13 .

& i wanna know how to become an actress/singer or both (:

please help me!

if u know/are an agent please tell me .

Thank you !




  1. this website should be able to help you: Hollywood-opportunities(dotcom)

  2. Agents aren't always the best way to go. Especially for someone so young and with little experience.

    The best way to get started is through community theater. It gives you a great experience, a chance to learn basic shows, knowledge of the theater and stage, opportunities to get involved backstage, a way to make great friends, and lots of good information.

    When you get to high school, check into getting involved with choir, and drama club. Read as many acting books as you can get your hands on. Some might be bogus, but any information can help. Learn about the different methods and then use that information to act in a way that works best for you.

    Go to college. It's a way of trying out the acting world while you still have a roof over your head and food on the table. Acting doesn't pay well and to skip on a college education isn't smart. Especially when you can do a lot of great acting in college and build up your resume while you network yourself, have mentors to answer your questions, and opportunities to learn about theater tech. I went to a conservatory, then transferred to a state school with a good theater program and an awesome music program. So I was able to improve in all aspects of the art.

    Hope that helps.

  3. First, answer these questions:

    1. Have you been in/worked on any shows at your school??

    2. Are you active in your schools drama club/Thespian Society??

    3. Have you been active in your school's choir or any other choir in your area??

    If you've answered no to any of these questions, I suggest you first do all of the above!! Seriously!! If you find an agent, you have to have your resume full of things you've done in acting or singing!! That way, it will show he/she that you are capable for any acting or singing things!!

    Second, If you don't get an agent by the time you are about to go into high school, go to an arts high school if there's one in your school district!! That will get you more in depth on the arts and what happens there!!

    Third, if you find an agent, watch out, he/she might cost too much!!! Trust me, I went to a audition to be on a TV show and the agents there costed A LOT OF DOUGH!!! Find an agent that is in you and your families price range. Sometimes there won't be any, but, there are some that cost at a low price easy in your families budget.

    Well, I hope these will have you think truly about how you want to go in the acting/singing world!! Best of Luck!!

  4. hi well I'm a struggling actress who has been shot down by many agents with my resume and when looking for an agent you usually want the best in the business and to do that you need lots of jobs i have extraed in 2 movies one of which i met Carmen Electra (Christmas in wonderland) and have had one on one classes with the best in my city but to an agent that means nothing what they look for beyond talent is how many jobs has this person had? does he or she have the it factor? yadda yadda yadda and i feel it is too stressful for a young person like you to cope with I'm 15 and have shed more tears in thins business than i probably would in a lifetime. as for the singing if you have talent send demos out to record company's (some one of your age should look more into the Disney scene).

    i hope my story helped you.

  5. First, you need talent.

    Next, you need to learn how to use it.

    Once you have that, you can start looking for an agent.

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