
How can I become an advice columnist? I have a BA in english Lit?

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How can I become an advice columnist? I have a BA in english Lit?




  1. Most local newspapers will not run advice columns because of liability issues. If you're really set on trying to start a column, you might look into starting a blog.

  2. Not to be too discouraging here, but there are only a couple of them in the United States. That's because the big ones are syndicated, and most papers pick one or the other up. (In fact, I know someone who is married to one of them.)

    Open your goals up a little wider.

  3. All the answers posted have failed to answer the question: What are you licensed to give advice ABOUT?

    You need to have a degree in psychology, sociology or therapy in order for a paper to deem your opinion worthy of being considered.

    Advice columnists have started their careers as therapists or teachers and they often suggest to different publications that they are qualified in the matter to advise people.

    Knowing how to write and knowing how the human mind works, are two completely different things.

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