
How can I become an environmentalist?

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I would like a career as an environmentalist. What should I do?




  1. Eat grass and nothing else.

  2. what r u doing now, after graduation do p.g. in environm,ental  sceience

  3. Go for environmentalist study

  4. Surprise. You already are one. "Environmentalist" refers to a point of view. Unfortunately, nobody pays you to be one. You can, however, train to be an environmental engineer, environmental geologist, or environmental biologist (AKA ecologist).

  5. You need to go to school for that. Good career choice!!! I know a great website for you to check out its called and they are all about the environment.

    Check it out and have a great day.


  6. recycle and make a point of it go to your local council and ask tthem what you need to fo

  7. Develop a passion for environmental protection. Merely doing a course will not really help you in becoming one. Read all that you can lay hand on about all subject having a bearing on environment.

  8. i should first cultivate the habit of loving the nature & animals surrounded me & my neighbourhood. We should first keep our surrounding & city clean.

    i love the animals & nature & that is my nature. we should first bring awareness to the people to save nature around them.

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