
How can I become best friend with one boy?

by Guest34202  |  earlier

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Well, I like one boy v v much... But, we are just friends... But not so good... How can we become best friends?




  1. get to know him more. be yourself though.if it doesn't happen then it doesn't happen. okay?  

  2. dont see him as a boy, see him as a friend. treat him like you would one of your girlfriends, but if you like him and he doesn't like you more than a friend, i wouldn't suggest trying to become closer it will only lead to problems in the futer, best friends arnt made, they just become best frineds. good luck :) xx

  3. same way you'd befriend anyone else. Hang out, talk to him, laugh, play, and have fun. That's all there is to it. My BF and I became besties by passing notes in between class periods during school.  

  4. don't force it..

    just continue to be there for him especially during his darkest moments. be ready to listen when he has something to share. be genuine and honest with don't really have to like what he likes, if you don't like it, but respect his opinions..or you can invite him to hang out more or study together..  :)

    if you have things in common start from there.

  5. well text him and im him a lot more and sit next to him during class.

  6. It just happens.  If it doesn't happen on its own then it just wasn't meant to be.

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