
How can I become closer with the spirit world?

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I know this question may seem stupid, but i am serious. Ever since I was little I have always had a fascination with ghosts and death. Its just something I aspire to do. I always want to be the one who sees the ghosts, sees them in pictures, and feels them. Is there anyway (without killing myself) I can become closer with the dead??




  1. i shouldn't recommend you that

  2. It comes to me naturally but I found some sites you can check out.
    Working with spirit guides and being spiritual in general does make a big difference.
    BTW, it is also a good idea to shield and ground to keep negativity at bay and insure that you get to speak with positive entities.\\

  3. Stay away from the occult and put your trust in Jesus!!!

  4. Check in with the Flying Spaghetti Monster.  Google FSM on check it out on wikipedia and ecome enlightened.

  5. the best way to do that is meditation, Its the most officiant way to increase your spiritual power.

    you can trust me, I have those powers and more abilities such as sensing souls.


    This is a real good start to learning.

    Here is what I said to another person not to long ago.

    No matter how you slice and dice it, to develop your psychic abilities means "tuning into things more subtle". In a world where so much of what we are about is external, this is a highly internal process which goes against mainstream existence, especially in Western cultures, and to develop this requires a great deal of discipline. Unless you are naturally gifted, there is nothing loud, clear and obvious about this process. It comes, especially at first, as a whisper, a fleeting image, a feeling or hunch or some such subtle perception.

    Here are the top things you can do to increase your subtle senses, or psychic ability.

    1. Focus on which area you'd like to be good at. Do you want to be a remote viewer? Work with objects, people, animals or tools like cards? Go with what attracts you.

    2. Meditate. This does several things. One, it quiets the mind so you can hear incoming messages. There is no worse static than a busy chatting mind! Ịt's much harder to hear or see things in your mind's eye when you've got your own program running. Turn it off for now. Second, meditation actually changes your energy which makes you more receptive to the very thing that makes a person psychic.

    3. Develop personal attributes of a higher nature. To become more sensitive means that you have to change your own frequencies. Being negative and unhappy won't make you a receptive person. If you observe the top psychics, they are generally soft-spoken loving people. You won't find really negative people with this ability and if you do, it's very much the fluke, not the norm (more like something out of a Stephen King novel). So think positive thoughts!

    4. Depending on how esoteric you wish to be, learn how to develop your chakras. This is a very in-depth area which is why I've provided a separate page as there is a great deal of information on this subject should you wish to develop this area of your life.

  7. For one thing..why do not you start thinking of them  more as those LIVING on the other side...Only their body is dead. Get away from the part. Start thinking about.

  8. The best thing to do is to approach the very wise elderly priests who can teach you about spirituality in the correct, expert sense. There are some lower-level psychics who do that stuff too, but the spirits they evoke can turn out to be evil too (50-50 chance, you will never know) and which will try to hurt or kill you - you must be thinking I am speaking utter nonsense, but you trust me on this: spirits DO exist. But our parents and society try to brainwash us into believing that it is false and rubbish - this is because they don't want us to start practising all that, because by accident we may evoke bad spirits if our spirit worship goes wrong.

  9. meditation, learning to breath correctly. Prana breathing. learning to read auras, astral projection, more meditation, observation. meditation. You have to practice stillness, and dicipline your mind ,you have to have good concentration skills, which can be learned through starring at a candle flame. and more meditation. I cannot stress that enough. You are going to be going into the spirit world, where masters, and angels, and spiritual guides will be. You want to be right with yourself, before you meet them. make sure you cleanse and ground, and get the protection sheild from the divine.\
    Good luck!

  10. Buy some My Bloody Valentine albums for a start.
    We are all going to die.  What is the hurry?

  11. You might have contact with a ghost thru the OUIJA board.  I have never played it myself, but I have heard that the OUIJA board will attract any spirits around you.  Be careful because you might attract the wrong spirits.  They will try to befriend you, but they will cause harm.  Really, the OUIJA board is nothing to play around with.  I have heard more bad things from it, than good.

  12. Prayer. Most of reality is spirit, and meditation and prayer link us most closely to that facet of awareness. Do not think death, think life. Satan is death, God is life.

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