
How can I become famous? *Please Answer!*?

by Guest66856  |  earlier

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Before I say anything. Don't treat me like a baby! Like you never had a dream before!

Everyone says I can sing. So that's what I wanna do

So how can I build up to become a famous papstar?

Where do I start? What questions do I need to ask myself? What do I need to do? Do I need lessons? etc.

Please, I really want my dream to come true. Not just for the fame, but this is for myself. And my love of music.




  1. look through websites and see if their are ANY auditions

    near your area!

    Send an application/video or whatever they ask!

    and that should do!


    good luck!

  2. Get off of the computer and work for it. Go to auditions and really focus on what you want.

    As far as lessons, a trained ear is never impressed upon hearing "I've never had formal training." it's clear well before the performer states it.

    Or do something really bad, but then you would be famous for the wrong reason. Who wants that. Well, it's easier than above method.

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